Monday, March 4, 2019

QUOTES 3/4/2019

“I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but driving naked has always been a thrill to me.  I guess that it started small and grew from there.  Maybe I was dared by one of my friends to drive without panties while wearing a mini-skirt; or it could have been me running late again and I could have forgotten my bra.  Well, whatever it was, it was just the beginning. . . [On the way to my first day of school] I decided to just take off the skirt and blouse . . . When I got to school, I jumped out of my car and ran over to the passenger side and got dressed there. . . Ever since that day, I would get up early and put my clothes into the car and drive wherever I was heading totally nude. . . It's always given me a big thrill.  I still do that to this day.  My husband loves taking trips with me.” - Ciao.

“Nude biking is great.  There are sections of rail trials that I can ride for 20 miles and not see anyone.  One group of friends likes to ride nude and wife and I join them as often as possible.” – SunnMaxx,

“A nudist with spiritual aspirations finds themselves in the unusual positon of being able to enjoy an enhanced sensual life combined with a type of asceticism that frees the ego of its preoccupation about how its body appears to others.  By surrendering the mystery of clothes they surrender to the deeper mystery.” - Philip Carr-Gomm, A Brief History of Nakedness, 2013, p. 237

“When I was seven, my parents built a house on the family farm. The house was hidden in the woods in the middle of a 40-acre pasture. . . I was allowed to be home alone on Saturday mornings while mom went shopping. . . Mom yelled that she was leaving and that I needed to get out of bed.  I threw the covers back and discovered I was naked. My PJ’s were at the foot of the bed and I was at the top. I heard mom start the car and drive off.  It was 7:30 and Cartoons were on so I went straight to the TV. Disaster, the TV was on the blink. . . My father had left the house early that morning and decided to stop by the house to check on me.  I did not hear him pull up. . . He suggested that I go outside and play. . . My dad then pushed me out of the house.  I was naked and outdoors.  I just stood there. . . The back yard had turned to mud with a small lake in the middle of it.  Before I could so much as stick a toe in my dad called me back into the house.  I was certain that he was going to insist that I get dressed and stay out of the mud.” – A Memory,

“Being happy with your body begins with a naked one . . . Being willing to bare all and being unafraid of our bodies can provide a boost to our confidence. People who don’t feel the need to cover themselves up are potentially more self-accepting.” - Emma Kenny,

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