Tuesday, March 26, 2019

QUOTES 3/26/2019

“Nudism is contagious and should therefore be passed on, but not by force.” - https://rfgjga1992.wordpress.com/2016/04/28/lets-do-all-this-to-promote-nudism/

“Balnéothérapie au Sérignan Plage Nature” Video - https://www.naturisme-tv.com/video/balneotherapie-au-serignan-plage-nature/

“Find out how your family feels about nudism.  You can be naked at home if they are not opposed.  You could suggest clothing optional days.” – Paul, http://clothesfreelife.com/2016/04/03/how-to-live-a-philosophy-guest-contributor-author-p-z-walker/

“The better you feel naked, the better you'll feel in clothes. Because clothes won't just be about hiding things, they'll be about celebrating things. I want my clothes to be a celebration.” – Kate Fridkis, https://www.truenudists.com/groups/view.php?action=viewthread&id=2925&idt=14836&vpage=1

“I have done a lot of naked driving, in many countries.  In general, it makes me a safer driver, in that I take great care not to commit any offence that could get me pulled over, or to be photographed by the high-quality cameras that abound nowadays. . . I still drive naked, but with great care.  I've never noticed another naked driver, but if you think about it, how often do you actually look at what's going on inside other vehicles?” – Stroller, https://www.truenudists.com/forum/viewthread.php?id=860&page=11

“We took off from Tucson just before sunset Wednesday and lumbered down the interstate to De Anza Naturist Resort, near Jacumba, California.  We were raised up by the stature of the vehicle to where we were at trucker’s level. . . From this vantage point, I wanted to experience what a typical trucker might, see as he . . . viewed passing cars.  My observation was that they see everything.  The full body is observed, even between the seats from behind into most cars. . . Passing quickly, being exposed at a glance, makes a difference in what they see. . . Most vehicles were passing us 10 to 15 mph quicker.  This is a glance at best, when they are coming up from behind, zipping past and then pass with their backs to a trucker.  A trucker’s outside rear view mirror doesn’t give much view. . . Using this information, I can be more adept at the practice of nude driving myself, now.  A towel to cover the genitals on occasion will take any trucker problems away. . . This is if the trucker is looking.  If you suddenly jump out of your seat surprised by a thunderous horn, you may not be effective enough. . .” -http://thefreerangenaturist.org/2015/07/31/the-naturist-society-gathering-2015-trip-report/#more-135

“There were 29 men at the Blue Moon Naked Hike on Friday July 31st.  It was a perfect evening for a naked hike.  It was humid, but there was a breeze that made it very comfortable.  Many many thanks to Kyle for stepping in at the last moment and hosting a pool party after the hike.  . . There were only two of us at the naked hike on Thursday July 30th, but two is all we need to have a good hike. . That’s too bad for everybody who wasn’t there because it was a great morning for a hike.” – Robby, Personal email

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