Saturday, March 9, 2019

 Gardening Naked

“Gardening nude adds a pleasure almost indescribable.” - Katie Rain

Gardening is one of my favorite pastimes.  But kneeling in the dirt - yuck!

Not yuck - I’ll bet when you try gardening naked, you’ll feel differently about dirt.  I love naked gardening - dirt, scratches, bumps, everything about it.  Why?

Gardening is much less of a chore if it can be done naked, because naked is motivating.  It provides a great opportunity to get outside, get some exercise, feel the earth under your feet, the wind in your hair, and the sun on your skin.  When you’re out there with a gentle breeze on you, every last hair on your body feels it.  With naked gardening you're cool even on a hot day - the sweat naturally cools your body, and of course there are no sweaty clothes to make you uncomfortable.

Naked in the garden with a gentle breeze and the kiss of the sun on your skin makes the connection with nature inevitable, completely connected with the natural world in a way you just can’t in clothes.  Naked in nature, we transcend from observer to participant.  Naked gardening is the only way to maximize your true link to nature and the earth.

Naked gardening is also productive; instead of being board, you can grow food and work on your over-all tan at the same time.  It's about being able to take your clothes off and enjoy freedom when you're gardening.  It’s totally relaxing.  You can just get rid of everything in your head.  And even better, install an outdoor shower to make cleanup is a breeze.

Gardening naked is a way to celebrate the beautiful place I have to live and not take anything for granted in this wonderful universe.  It’s a simple joy that reminds me — even if only for those few sun-kissed minutes — that I can be honest with who I am as a human and as part of this planet.

The first naked gardeners (according to the Bible) were Adam and Eve.  God described this naked garden as good.  Adam and Eve were unashamedly naked in the garden of Eden the way God created them.  In fact, God probably walked naked with them in the Garden of Eden.  I have realized that God did it right the first time when he made our first parents naturist gardeners.  So, even today, it’s good to make your backyard a little Gardens of Eden.

They may have been the first naked gardeners, but certainly not the last.  Consider this quote from Alicia Silverstone:

“It probably started when I was doing my garden the first time.  I’d be out there, and it would be scorching hot, so I would take off all of my clothes and garden.”

I love naked gardening.  Naked gardening gives me the chance to enjoy two of my favorite hobbies at the same time – gardening and nakedness.

I planted my first naked garden in California.  It had a small vegetable garden, waterfall, and fish pond.  I often mowed the lawn and pulled weeds in the buff.
Then, for World Naked Gardening Day when I lived in a two-story apartment, I made a fountain with flowers around the edge for our up-stair’s deck.  I also put up a privacy screen.  We loved sitting out and watching others.  World Naked Gardening Day got me hooked.

My third nude garden was at Olive Dell Ranch.  My wife and I covered a hill-side and above with signs, trails, and gardening features.  We named it Dellymaze Park.  We spent time gardening naked nearly every day digging and planting and watering and decorating with small buildings, characters, a dinosaur dig, a Kokopelli area with Indian pots, statues, cactus, and a collection of pottery, and even an alien landing site.  We would often encounter others.  Many people visited (naked of course) and marveled.

During that time, we gathered with other naturists to install a garden at the end of the tennis court.  Digging, shaping the earth, lining the bed with rocks, and planting took several hours.  Working outdoors nude is such a rewarding experience.  Nude gardening was a passion.

My forth naked garden was at Shangri La Ranch in Arizona.  I cleaned up the existing trails around this resort, built rock-lined trails, decorated the Shangri La Cactus Garden and the River Walk, and created a dinosaur Island.  Visitors at the resort helped work on trails, and many resort guests walked the trails.

Amy and I purchased our land on a hill some years ago (five acres covered in brush and trees).  I immediately started building a naked trail.  I’ve learned that meditating naked in nature on my trail increases the quality of my meditation.  Walking my trail naked in nature is in fact a form of meditation.  Others also have enjoyed our Nature and Meditation Trail.

Soon I fenced a naked garden spot for vegetables.  Now, every time I eat veggies from this garden, I remember the time and energy I put into growing healthy plants while wearing my birthday suit.

I have created a naked yard exactly to my liking with a covered deck, sun room, grass and sprinklers, ponds, a hot tub, and outdoor furniture.  We love to sit together naked on our deck to take advantage of the last of the evening sun, and to sit naked in our sun room to see the evening lights.  We sunbathe in the nude and sit in the hot tub naked, too.  It’s very Adam and Eve in our house and garden.

Naked gardeners are a unique type of home nudist, since they often have to bare the (potential) ridicule of neighbors.  Despite this however, naked gardeners persist because naked gardening just feels sooooo right!  We’re not exhibitionists, but we’ve posted a sign about being naked so our neighbors know and will treat nakedness like any other normal thing we do in our garden.  People are surprised when I reveal I tend to my garden in the buff.  I believe spending time in your own house or gardening naked is a good way to introduce naked living to others.

So, I recommend putting on only a smile (maybe shoes) and heading outside to garden naked.  If you want to celebrate being naked in the garden.  Why not.  GO for it!

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