Thursday, March 14, 2019

QUOTES 3/14/2019

“I had to put on some clothes yesterday.  The road side of my privacy hedges was growing out too close to the road.  I slipped on a set of coveralls and went out and cut back the offending growth.  I took the branches around to my yard and stacked them by the fire ring.  Once back in my front yard I took off my clothes and started a fire.  Between tending the fire, I picked butternut squash, tomatoes, and beets.  I also mowed my two acres on my zero turn while nude.  I love country living.” – John Long,;topicseen

“Šťastie je radosť - život indiánov ZOE” Video -

“I feel connected to the natural world around me more when I am nude with nothing standing between me and the environment. . . For me it is very nearly a religious experience. I feel closer to my version of The Creator when I am nude in nature. I am a part of this wonderful world, another being sharing that space with the wild creatures that live there. I find my senses are more heightened. I feel and sense things more. My eyes are keener and my hearing sharper. I feel the breeze and the rain on my skin, or the sun. I am enveloped by the surrounding nature. I go out in nature to recharge my batteries, to renew my soul, and to scrub off the layers of crud that living in civilization tends to put on you. . . My memories of these hikes sustain me when I am cooped up in my civilized world. I savor these memories and look forward to the next hike to rejuvenate my soul.” – NudeAl

“You can try to lead a body-positive life and still have days where you don’t feel great about your own body.  You can’t lead a body-positive life and shit all over others. . . Body-shaming is never acceptable, no matter how the recipient looks or acts.” – Nora Whelan & Andrew Richard,

“May everyone find their own naturist and live happily ever after.” -

“When we moved house . . . we didn't wear clothes and when we had kids that didn't change at all, and naturally they didn't see anything wrong in that since there wasn't anyone to tell them it was. . . Now my kids are no longer at home, but if my daughter drops by unexpected she will catch me nude - not an issue . . . We (wife and I) still go nude on holidays in our private villas . . . I don't think our nudity affected our kids at all . . .” – JMNude,;topicseen

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