Wednesday, March 13, 2019

QUOTES 3/13/2019

“There were ten of us hiking naked in the mecca hills outside Palm Springs CA two days ago.  We ran into a clothed couple.  Our group leader attempted to cover up but they told us not to bother.  We smiled and walked past them nude. . . If people see naked people doing natural things like hiking it lessens the stigma in the long run.” – NakedLAman,

“finalbroadlands” (Video) -

“I love to geocache and prefer to mostly do it nude.  Have been seen a few times . . . forgotten being nude until I receive a weird look from a passerby.  Last night cached nude and it involved about a 6 mile out and back.  I parked, shed my clothing, and headed out on my hike to the cache location. . . the cache was in a cave, so add naked caving to my list!” – Grannysjg,;topicseen

“. . . nudism, even if it offends us, is a right, not a privilege. . . If nudism is nonsexual, it’s difficult to argue that consent is needed . . . Why can’t we all just take off our clothes, and let others take off their clothes, and reap the benefits?” – Haskell Smith,

“As for nurturing your wife’s already well progressed attitude and natural inclinations, may I suggest one thing, which will create a shift in you both.  Go to a place where you don’t wear clothes for three days, or more. . . When it is time to redress, the silliness and discomfort, and implacability of clothing are immediately apparent.  Often with little coaxing, rebellion happens.  There is a need and motivation.” – Jbee,

“Last night I was reading naked on the front porch enjoying the beautiful summer evening and tranquility.  The sunset was a couple hours away yet and I love to sit and watch it off the porch or from the back fields in the golf cart.  Anyway, my wife decides she wants to go out for ice cream to the ice cream stand which is about five miles in toward town.  Kiddingly I said sure if I can go dressed as I am.  She advised at least a t shirt and she will go to the window for the treats and I can sit in the car.  Good deal!  I threw on the shirt and off we went.  We decided after our treat to take a ride down through town to the waterfront to see the sunset over the lake and bay.  We sat in the car with me being covered from others seeing me with only the t-shirt.  After the sunset we drove home and back to the porch for more reading.” – NewNude,

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