Saturday, March 23, 2019

QUOTES 3/23/2019

“Jain monks, Hindu sadhus, and early Christian saints have all used physical nakedness as a way of cutting back to the essentials of life, of stripping themselves of attachments and coverings to ‘stand naked before God’.” – Philip Carr-Gomm, A Brief History of Nakedness, 2013, p. 87

“Introducing Bare Necessities Tour & Travel Video -

“Nakedness reveals itself.  Nudity is placed on display. . . The nude is condemned to never being naked.  Nudity is a form of dress.” – John Berger,

“I was about 9 or 10 when I started to become aware that going nude felt nice.  Of course, at that age, coupled with my family upbringing, I thought of it as naughty to want to take off my cloths and run around naked.  My parents were quite conservative and pretty much no-nonsense kind of people, so something like nudism was viewed with skepticism and a raised eyebrow.  No one in my family was a nudist that I know of, nor did anyone give me the idea. . . After a while, I just plain enjoyed the total experience of it and created a lifestyle that included nudism. . . Finally, one afternoon I had the house all to myself.  I was 11 years old at the time.  I knew that nobody would be home for the rest of the afternoon, giving me at least 4/5 hours to strip and run around the house naked.  Just the thought of it was exciting to me.  I quickly ran up to my bedroom and took off all my cloths. . . I walked out of my room and leisurely strolled downstairs to the living room.  The cool air sensation caressing all over my bare body, especially areas usually covered, was a delight to my senses.  It gave me a nice tingly feeling all over. . . After a few minutes, I found myself leisurely sprawling out on the couch, laying on the floor in front of the TV doing summersaults, running up and down the stairs and doing just everything I could think up to accentuate the sensation of being naked.  Oh, was it a new sensation, and I just loved it! . . . From that time on, whenever I got the chance, I’d take off all my cloths and go naked around the house.  I did that for a while until I decided to expand my horizons and try it outside at the ripe old age of 12.  Oh, did that open up a whole new world of sensations!  First the backyard at night, and then the woods behind the house.  Finally, at 13 I told my best friend, swearing her to secrecy.  To my delight, she was immediately intrigued and wanted to try it herself.  That very day, we spent the entire afternoon walking around and exploring the woods in our birthday suits.” – Tamara,

“I NEVER thought I’d strike a business deal while sitting in a hot spring, totally naked except for a pair of sunglasses, and sharing a plate of hummus and carrot sticks with a tech executive, a medical student and the CEO of an online shopping website.  But that’s exactly how I recently found myself spending a Saturday evening, in the middle of the desert, two hours from the heart of Los Angeles.” – Amy Molly,

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