Sunday, March 17, 2019

QUOTES 3/17/2019

“I wonder if back-garden nudity . . . might provide the non-stunt, non-once-a-year, non-organized, unpoliced way of getting the general public to realize that social nudity is not only no big deal when presented as an issue for comment, but no big deal when presented as a concrete reality.” Tim

NAKED SUNDAY Muay Thai Bruises? Nude Naturist Yoga School Class” Video -

“Despite this association between nudity and shame, early Christian baptisms, which were based on the Jewish tradition, saw naked candidates immersed in water.  In the 1930s Pope Pius XI condemned naturism as ‘paganly immodest’.  But John Paul II later stated: ‘Because God created it, the human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve intact its splendor and its beauty.’” - Philip Car-Gomm,

“. . . we are nudist and are very open.  Diane and I have no issues being open as long as it is within the law.  As we own a 1971 MGB we love to go in the country and drive around totally nude.  We do have shirts, just in case but we have never had to use them.   Nothing better than driving nude.” - Diane & Louis,

“I'm more offended with what some people wear in public...Pajamas?  Underwear hanging out?  Dress properly or go naked.  Oh, and kids aren't offended by naked people...they don't sexualize it either because they aren't aware of that fully until puberty... Why do people teach their kids that their bodies are shameful? – David Schumaker,

“Clothing hides our beautiful bodies and natural beauty.” -

“I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for an event that will remain in my memory for years to come.  I used to compete in 5 and 10K runs on a regular basis years and years ago but stopped after having some back and knee problems.  Never have I had as much fun as I did on the Bare Burro 5K.  Olive Dell was a great place to have our first Southern California Nude 5K event and I look forward to next year’s Bare Burro Run and will be in better shape next time!  Thanks again to you and all the others for putting together this great event.  Thanks to Olive Dell Ranch for hosting and to Bobby and Becki for being such fantastic hosts.” – Andy

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