Tuesday, January 8, 2019

QUOTES 1/8/2019

“. . . we also managed to go sailing with friends earlier this year around the Ionian.  As soon as we cleared the marina we all went naked and only 'dressed' when we had to.  It was also far more practicable given the temperature especially below deck and being able to leave cabin doors open for air flow.” – CnC, http://www.naturist-corner.net/community/index.php?topic=21694.0;topicseen

“Venez aux randonnues de Naturlux en covoiturage” Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNXx9r5DtvI

 “If someone is only nude at home, takes nudies solely in the home, and never really ventures out into the world nude is similar to what we in the rock-climbing community call a Chuffer.  A Chuffer is someone who has only ever climbed on rock walls in gyms and has never climbed any rocks made by Mother Earth.  There is nothing wrong with them and all climbers are happy to see people excited to climb and it helps keep their gyms in business.  But there is still a distinction between the two groups of people.  Home Nudists and Chuffers both miss out on the full joy of being fully committed. . . Any nudist will tell you that feeling the warm sun on their body, or the breeze going through their hair, the freedom of the outdoors, and the social aspect of talking to other nudists are all parts of the sum which is the joy of being nude.  When Home Nudists only talk with other nudists behind a computer screen, feel the sun through a pane glass window, have the breeze come into their house through a screen, and have four walls around them, it takes away so much of the joy that is being nude.” – Hoosier, https://www.truenudists.com/members/blogs/

“Naked sunbathing is an extremely stimulating activity, which makes you feel amazing by exposing your entire body to the sun.  It is also a totally relaxing activity, which allows you to enjoy the sunlight, wind, and the serenity of the surroundings.  It also has several benefits, which includes a full body tan without the annoying tan lines and increased production of Vitamin D in the body as a result of exposure to the sun.” - http://blog.vritomartis.com/top-18-things-to-do-naked/

“Want to enjoy naturism?  Just take off your clothes and finish the vacuuming in the nude.” - Jim C. Cunningham

“I started going to nude beaches when I was in the military after I came back from the Gulf War and it changed the way I look at life. . . I told her [my sister] there was a beach I wanted to go to and that it was a nude beach.  Well, she had never heard of it and was kind of interested.  When we got to the parking lot she kind of got worried and asked if she had to be nude.  I said no keep as many clothes on as you like but I am planning on going nude.  Is that okay?  She was fine with it and we had a good time when we got back to her house she proudly told her husband she had been to her first nude beach.  I had still not told my mom or dad but I am pretty sure that sis took care of that.  Some time later my mom began dropping hints . . . Anyway the whole entire family now knows and they don't think anything less of me, so far as I know.  Every time one of my nieces or nephews likes to run around naked they say they take after their Uncle Alan, which is great for me!” – Alan, WA

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