Monday, January 21, 2019

QUOTES 1/21/2019

“I used to garden, even cleared the snow from my paths, in the nude and none of my neighbors bothered.  I lived in a short cul-de-sac and knew all the neighbors by sight, some spoke to me but all would smile and wave as they walked or drove past. . . Be warned if you are tempted to move to a anti nudist country think hard and long whether you will miss being nude.” – Gavin,

“Vidéo camping naturiste Bélézy - Film 2014 Video -

“’Woman to woman, why do you need to be naked?’  Well, woman to woman: I don’t. . . I have lived many years on this planet without a clothes free life.  I made my way through college, received certifications, played in orchestras, practiced and taught yoga, and secured jobs while wrapped in garments. . . My life has expressed a whole host of experiences with my clothes on.  Clearly, I do not need to be naked to survive.  What I will tell you, though, is that my clothes free life has moved me from an existence of living up to whatever (I thought) people wanted into a thriving life expressed more honestly with each passing day. . . Why do I need to be naked? I don’t.  I choose it.  And it feels good.” – Hontouniheart,

“The greatest realization that you get when you frequent a clothing option area is that we are all the same!  Also because it truly is non sexual you look at people as yourself!  Truly the best part is swimming sans clothing...there is no better feeling of freedom!” – BW,

“I have driven nude in many situations, many times.  The furthest was from Joshua Tree, California, to Burningman in Gerlach, Nevada. . . I am observant of those around me, and cautious.  Last week my girl friend and I drove nude from our hike - about 70 miles.  Our next trip to Laughlin, Nevada was about 200 miles, nude to the hotel parking lot.  My understanding of the law (in California) is that it is not illegal to be nude in your car, but if it becomes sexual, or somebody complains, then it is considered public nudity.  As far as I can determine, [it is the] same in Nevada .” – Naked Bruce

“With nudism in our lives we add a whole lot of fun to our lives.” -

“Naturism is . . . my way of escaping the pressure of life as we know it in this day and age which is vital to my state of mind/health.” – John Wilson,

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