Saturday, January 12, 2019

QUOTES 1/12/2019

“My new year’s resolution is to get out on more walks, which means more naked hikes, which also means exploring new routes.  Made a good start earlier this week with an eight-mile ramble over fields and through woods – rather chilly in places but the sun was out and keeping up a good pace warmed me up.  Didn’t see a soul.  Just had to be textile for the first and last mile (from and to the car park).  Weather permitting I’ve lined up a ten-mile hike for next week.” – Peter,

Walking naked in the forest” Video -

“What is the first thing a child connects with and depends on when they are born?  The nipple . . . At what point does it become obscene?  We're living in a culture that makes money off sexualizing women, sexualizing a part of the body that is there to nourish children.  Men telling us we need to cover up, that we're indecent?  It's hypocrisy. . . a topless woman should no longer be classified as ‘nude,’ and that labelling her as such is part of the problem.  If a man is topless, that is not considered nudity.  Likewise, a woman being topless should not be considered nudity.” - Lina Esco,

“It still seems inexplicable that something as simple as removing your clothes can bring such happiness and insight. . .  nudism . . . isn’t about nakedness . . .it’s about being alive.  At some point in our history, in our rush to evolve and separate from nature, we’ve forgotten an important part of being human; we’ve forgotten that life isn’t merely to be seen and heard, but to be felt as well.” - Nick Alimonos,

“Imagine . . . that you are God, laboring under the self-appointed task of creating an Eve who will be accounted beautiful at all times and places.  History shows you will be disappointed in your effort.  Rather than a stable set of features, physical beauty is an ever-morphing construct, a fickle collective dream that we fall into once in a while. . . History provides us a record, and from it one basic, inescapable, and ultimately unconscionable truth stands out: the ideals women are asked to embody, regardless of culture or continent, have been hammered out almost exclusively by men.” - Daniel Kunitz,

“We have been hot-tubbing and grilling naked all winter.” – SunnMaxx,

“There is a sense of freedom practicing yoga naked . . . Freedom from negative feelings about your body, and deeper connection with yourself and the world around you. . . While many equate being naked with sex, this couldn’t be further from the truth in a naked yoga class . . . Naked Yoga is about being comfortable in your own skin and the amazing confidence that comes with it.  It’s about knowing, accepting and loving yourself at your core.” – Doria Gani,

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