Monday, January 7, 2019

Another Natural Problem Solved
by Kensunwalker

As a Natural Problem Solver, I let as many people as possible know that living a natural life is mentally and physically healthy, and much less stressful.

Consider this: many people today are unhealthy mentally and physically, and over stressed with the modern lifestyle.  (See .)

My Solution 1:  I’ve found that normalizing the naked body keeps my mind mentally healthy.  It is very therapeutic.  I’m no longer overly concerned with images of naked bodies; exhibitionism, voyeurism, inappropriate sexual behavior, pornography and the like simply disappear in the light of naked reality.  Porn and those who produce it do not hold me prisoner any more.  Naked, my mind can focus on spirituality and creativity and truth.

“In a real sense, nakedness isn’t really about the physical but about the mental.  Through nakedness I found a true sense of mental freedom.” - Ken

“As soon as my boxers came off a certain calmness and freedom comes over me, and the quick realization that being naked is the most natural thing in the world. . . The problem is that our society makes us suppress many of the things that are totally natural and healthy for us . . . Anything that you suppress gets pushed into your unconscious and will become a corrupted energy within you.  You become confused and divided.” – Ivan Campuzano

“There's something therapeutic about nudity.  Clothing is one of the external things about a character.  Take away the Gucci or Levi's and we're all the same.” - Kevin Bacon

“Whatever the motives, the environment of social nudism may promote a benign influence on the nudist, perhaps a mental health influence.”- William E. Hartman, Ph.D.

My Solution 2:  Learn to enjoy nakedness since it improves physical health.
Consider this from John Veltheim:

“Wearing clothing, particularly synthetic clothing, has a detrimental effect on the electrical potential of the body and the ability of the chi in the body to flow freely.  From a bioenergetic point of view, clothing builds up stress in the body with an accumulative effect.  It is important to allow the body time to normalize - give it some breathing space as it were - for it to balance out the electrical flow throughout the skin. . . That is why a period of being totally naked each day is so important.  The longer the period the better.  Our bodies need a chance to recharge, revitalize and sort themselves out.  The accumulative effect of wearing synthetic, restrictive and tight clothing over the years is a dramatic increase in stress levels, accelerated aging and reduced health.”

Not only that, nakedness in the sunlight makes Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) disappear.

“Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) hits around 100,000 people and develops into severe depression as daylight decreases in the winter.  If SAD sufferers get out and get some sunlight during winter, they will relieve their depression.” – Dr. Keki Sidhwa

Naked, the love of nature and the outdoors grows.  And nakedness motivates people to be active so healthy exercise occurs naturally.  Exercising outdoors with natural activities like freehiking and nude gardening brings together so many positive feelings and positive motivations – the feel of sun and air on the body, the cooling as sweat evaporates, the visual beauty and interest of being one with nature, the aerobic beating of the heart.  It’s easy to get exercise when you love doing things naked.  And you’ll be less likely to crave unhealthy amounts of sugar and carbohydrates like soda and fast food when you garden nude and freehike frequently.  Additionally, you’ll look better and with a nice tan.  People will comment about how healthy you look, and these compliments will make your exercise program even easier to maintain.  Living as a naturist is by far the healthiest way to live!

In addition, the scientific facts are undeniable: regular naturist practice enhances resistance to disease, provides more effective and natural vitamin D and calcium balance, reduces the effects of stress, decreases blood pressure, decreases resting heart rate, decreases blood cholesterol, decreases excessive blood sugar, increases muscular strength and endurance, reduces depression, reduces risk of internal cancer as well as heart and blood vessel disease, and improves many skin diseases such as psoriasis.  Put simply, science has proved that a naked lifestyle is healthier than a textile lifestyle.

Consider the benefits of vitamin D:

“From the dawn of history, the sun has been utilized specifically as an aid to restoration of health and as a means of maintaining and increasing it.  The ancient Greeks and Romans, Egyptians and Assyrians, Arabians, Babylonians and Cretans, the Aztecs, the early Chinese and Japanese, the inhabitants of India and most other nations that were glorious in their day derived their superb health partly from their contact with the rays of the sun and healed their ailments by their aid.” – Bernard McFadden

“Those studying the vitamin say the hide-from-sunlight advice has amounted to the health equivalent of a foolish poker trade.   Anyone practicing sun avoidance has traded the benefit of a reduced risk of skin cancer - which is easy to detect and treat and seldom fatal - for an increased risk of the scary, high-body-count cancers - breast, prostate, and colon - that appear linked to vitamin D shortages.  So even if too much sun leads to skin cancer, which is rarely deadly, too little sun is worse.” - Dr. Michael Hollick

“Research on vitamin D is nothing short of astounding.  A four-year clinical trial involving 1,200 women found those with sufficient vitamin D experienced a 60% reduction in cancer incidence, compared to those with insufficient vitamin D, a drop so large - twice the impact on cancer attributed to smoking - it almost looks like a typographical error.” - Martin Mittelstaedt

“A common myth, aside from that of avoiding the mid-day sun, is that occasional exposure of your face and hands to sunlight is ‘sufficient’ for obtaining healthy vitamin D levels.  For most of us, this is a miserably inadequate exposure to move vitamin levels to the healthy range.  You need to expose large portions of your skin to the sun, and you need to do it for more than a few minutes.” - Dr. Mercola

I would challenge anyone to find an area or nutrient or any factor that has such consistent anti-cancer benefits as vitamin D.  The data are really quite remarkable.” - Dr. Edward Giovannucci

Why reject these proven facts?

My Solution 3:  Many people believe that going naked causes stress, but nothing could be further from the truth; nakedness brings calmness, complete relaxation, and comfort.  Inhibitions and shame disappear.  What could be healthier than getting away from your stressful job in this stressful world than relaxing naked?  And what about lack of money?  You don’t need to travel to get naked.  You can be naked at home or in your back yard, or outdoors anywhere.  And the fashions of the day won’t get in the way of destressing.  Who cares if you’re not dressed to kill?  Rather, fashionable clothing is probably killing you with unnatural stress!

Consider these thoughts:

“We find that relaxing with clothes off at Elysium Fields is a great tension reliever, for ourselves and our kids too.” - Lynn Redgrave

“Once, I was really depressed, and I went away with my husband for the day.  He was fishing, and I stripped off.  Aw, it was so beautiful in the sun.  It was like a weight coming right off me.” – Alice

“Taking off clothing is amazingly relaxing.  Living a naked lifestyle is the ultimate way to a stress-free existence, away from our often-unhealthy modern lifestyle; when I take my clothes off the stress immediately melts away.” – Ken

“. . . even getting away for a day trip to a nudist destination is so refreshing and relaxing.  To me it’s equal to a week’s vacation.  There’s no stress, no worries, no issues.  Nude recreation has been one of the most beautiful, healthy things that I have done for myself.” – Leona Hamrick

So, why not be mentally and physically healthy and stress free, rather than slow, sick, and worried?  As a Natural Problem Solver, I certainly recommend nakedness for helping solve the unhealthy physical, mental, and over-stressed aspects of modern life.  I simply want to help people find health.

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