Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Natural Problem Solver

I’ve decided I’m no longer a nudist, naturist, or clothing optional person.  Textiles and the media have biased all of these terms by equating them with sex, so trying to advocate for the value of nakedness is almost impossible using these terms.  Instead, I’ve become a Natural Problem Solver.  Let me explain.

One common problem in this modern, complicated world, is that many people are confused, sad, and depressed.  What they need is a good dose of Happy!  I just want to help these people solve this problem, so here’s what I suggest:

I’ve discovered that living a natural life is normal and that being nude makes me and others HAPPY.  And this has also been proven scientifically (see,

Of course, you can wear choose to wear clothes when that seems necessary because of the weather or certain social situations, but imagine how happy you would be if getting dressed were unnecessary and not embarrassing!

“There’s a great joy in being naked in the open air.” - Mackenzie Wagoner

Natural nudity feels great – think of the sun naturally warming your body and of the breeze naturally cooling you when it’s too hot.  Imagine the wonderful feeling of water as you skinny dip (a swim suit is an abomination anyway, and so unnecessary!).

As the sun and breeze caresses your entire body you will realize exactly how much you miss by covering the majority of your skin – the largest sense organ.  In addition, naked you avoid the burden of uncomfortable, ill-fitting of clothes that shut out the world.  The naked FEELING is amazing!

“I love being naked.  I do everything in the nude, even the gardening!” – Eva Mendes

Not only does nakedness feel great, but nude is FUN!  Remember skinny-dipping?  Playing naked is like being a carefree child again.  I think it is time that the world was sillier.  And nudity is one of the ways you can be silly.  When people are laughing and having fun, they don’t do harm to others, so the world needs more play.  The world needs more laughter and fun.  And nakedness is a good way to achieve this.

Naked people do lots of fun activities.  They play basketball and horseshoes, they bungee jump and bike, they sing karaoke, and even fly kites.  The list can go on and on: act in theater, barbeque, bike, bowl, build sand castles, canoe, cook, do sports of all kinds, do household chores/martial arts/yoga, do yard work/carpentry/plumbing/painting, eat, exercise, fish, garden, golf, hike, hot tub, ice skate, surf, jog, kayak, do laundry, do photography, picnic, play sports, play music and video games, read, ride horses, rollerblade, sail, scrapbook, sculpt, shop, sew, skateboard, sleep, snorkel, sunbathe, surf, surf the internet, swim, talk, walk, walk the dog, wash the car, watch movies, weight-lift, windsurf, wrestle, write.  Naked people bowl nude, camp nude, yacht nude, dance nude, and some even work a regular job nude.  Love some specific activity?  Do it in the nude, because anything is more fun nude.  Consider these testimonials:

“It felt unbelievably crazy to take off all my clothes and play in the sun.  I've not had that much fun in so long.” - Amy Grant

“Naked people do fun activities and share great moments.   My time is never dull as I lead a natural life.” – Rupa

“Truth is, most of us contain a splashing, giggling, squealing child who knows without thinking that bare skin and water go together as wings go with air, roots with earth, and the phoenix with incendiary sun.” - Elle MacPherson

“You just haven’t lived unless you’ve showered in the all together in the outdoors in your own little cloud of fog!” – Mary A.

“What are some of the things you can do as an indoor naturist?  Well, anything you can do clothed.  Chores like dishes, laundry (though a bit less), cooking, and cleaning are all more fun and comfortable in the nude.  Besides boring stuff like chores, recreational activities like movie watching or letter writing are also best done nude.  Many people sleep nude already, so why not extend the time between the shower and bed and enjoy a little nekkid time elsewhere in the house?” – Orthodox Nudist

“Gaming in the nude is actually how I discovered nudism, and it's slowly leading to me becoming more and more of an at-home nudist. . . Since I've been gaming nude, I no longer feel self-conscious about it; I just associate being naked with feeling relaxed, comfortable and having fun.” - Newdism

I enjoy being able to earn my living while sitting naked at the computer.” - Mark

“I have been working nude at home as a telecommuter since mid-2001.  What a pleasure.  My stress level has reduced, and my job satisfaction and overall happy disposition as an employee (to say nothing of my productivity!) have increased tremendously since being able to work from home, nude. . . I would never again take a job in an office or anywhere else where I would be required to be dressed all day.” – NoCollarWorker

“Swimming naked is absolutely wonderful. . . And it's fun.  We're not showing off, we're swimming.” - Jill

“One of life’s great joys is dancing naked in the sun.  It makes me feel so good.” – Kate Humble

“If you are thinking about modeling [nude], honestly, it's the best self-esteem booster ever.  I've never loved my body so much, and I've never weighed so much either.” - Danielle H.

“Posing for art classes is very positive.  With all the smut like pornography, it’s good to show nudity in a healthy and dignified light. . . posing naked for an art class and then seeing the drawings afterwards makes me feel like I am someone beautiful that God created.” – 21 Year Old Man, New Mexico

“This was my first naked bike ride and I have to say it was the best most fun I have ever had in my life.” - Topher

[While riding in Portland’s naked bike ride] “. . . I passed an older man with a big beard standing on the sidewalk.  He was gazing down Burnside in awe at the sea of happy nakedness coming his way and I heard him very calmly remarking to himself, ‘Marvelous’.” - Vanessa

“I'm still thinking about that [naked bike] ride - it was awe-inspiring, transcendent!” – Brian B.

“I have family and friends that live in Louisiana and believe it or not, a lot more ‘naturism’ goes on than is ever known about.  To most there, being ‘nekkid’ is just natural when you’re out fishin' or huntin'.” – Nathan Powers

“The first time I tried comedy naked, it was the best thing ever.  It gives you a kind of vulnerability that puts the audience on your side straight away.” - Andy Ofiesh, founder of the Naked Comedy Showcase

“My wife and I often play nude table tennis at home in summer - sometimes with my son . . . We enjoy our exercising style.” - Johnshon

“I prefer to wear nothing [when I hula hoop] - then you get better grip.  There's just less between you and the hoop.” - Sonya T.

“I work naked on autos in my shop.  I [sometimes] wear coveralls because you need that thin shield to protect the body.  I wash and wax cars naked.  That works out better.” – J34m

“I find praying while naked to be an interesting experience.  It certainly makes me much more aware of being a creature before his Creator.  Reminds me that Jesus was completely naked on the cross.” – Carl H.

“There are all sorts of people that are practicing social nude recreation.  Bowling is new for us and it's proving a great success.” - Paul A.

“Driving nude is a privilege.  Many times, I have driven to the nude beach and the resort.  I will drive for 200 miles easy without a worry.” - NudeDrew

 . . once you've experienced practicing yoga without clothing, you'll never go back to wearing clothing again for yoga . . . One of the reasons it feels so good is that yoga is about really having an intimate relationship with your body, and when you don't have clothing, that's what you're left with.” - Scott L.

“I had such a transformative experience on my own when I did yoga naked rather than clothed; I wanted to share that.” - Isis P.

“I was accustomed to nudity in our home . . . so taking naked pictures seemed great fun.  When I saw the photos, I was thrilled: I was more beautiful without my clothes than with them.” - Katherine Hepburn'

“We love being naked in nature.  Beaches, woods, the desert, mountains, hiking - we love nature and love camping and outdoor activities and when possible, we are naked while enjoying nature.  Being naked is our normal way of life.” - Andy and Di

These people all reported that being naked was Fun!  Why not believe them?  But not only is being naked happy and fun, nakedness means freedom.  Just you, happy and having fun, with no demands from others.

“I love to swim in the nude and roam around the house in the nude.  You're just as free as a bird!” – Bettie Page

“I think nude sunbathing is fantastic.  There is nothing more liberating than taking all your clothes off and lying in the sun - on the beach!” – John Barrowman (Dr. Who)

“For me the ultimate experience of freedom, being one with nature, total relaxation and being close to my maker is being naked in nature with nothing else but my body.” - Habakuk

“Sometimes I like to run naked in the moonlight and the wind, on a little trail behind our house, when the honeysuckle blooms.  It's a feeling of freedom, so close to God and nature.” - Dolly Parton

“It's amazing how empowered and free you feel once you accept your body for the miracle that it is.  Live life naked my friends!” – Ohio Naturist

So, why not be happily naked and free?  As a Natural Problem Solver, I recommend this proven approach to solving modern-day confusion, sadness, and depression.  And I find that recommending nakedness to others is so much easier because I simply want to help people find happiness and freedom.

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