Tuesday, May 29, 2018

QUOTES 5/29/2018

Twisting Peacock Yoga studios in Perth have been at the forefront of the naked yoga trend.  Instructors at the studio believe being naked should focus on self-liberation and allowing yourself to be comfortable with your unhidden exterior.  The female-only class (sorry, boys), is a relaxed, easy to follow mix of Yin, Hatha and restorative yoga.” – Caitlin Chandler, http://www.perthnow.com.au/travel/holiday-ideas/best-destinations-to-get-naked-in-australia/story-fnjpjah1-1227526229162?sv=93c17c8794b9a19fd90ba3209a1ce1e2

“Naked walk summer 2015” (Video) - https://vimeo.com/154475229

“Being open about being . . . a nudist, be it closet or social or anything in between, is different for everyone. . . For many, being open about this lifestyle has repercussions.  It could be from family, friends, work . . . even your own wife!  It’s easy for some to have no one to answer to and expect others to follow their path of openness but it’s not like that for everyone and if anything . . . we should at least be open enough to understand that not everyone has the ability to be open as some.  Many of these people have others they are responsible to.” – FireProf, From Tom Pine’s Special Report, file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/The%20Naked%20Truth%20Naturists_vol_16_Special%20Report_no_03.pdf

“Finally, regarding the general discourse that kids shouldn't see nudity.  Kids don't care - it's their parents who have the hang-ups and they inherited them from their parents and so forth.  There is plenty of research to show that nudism is not harmful.  Much of this debate is, I think, driven by a moral panic over paedophilia, and nudists are a particular type of convenient folk-devil.” – Darrell Turner, http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10777482

“Cut the grass for the first time a few days ago.  The front yard, gotta wear shorts, very visible from the road.  The back and side yards, do it naked.  There are places that one can see between the house and the outbuildings, but what are you going to see traveling at 50 mph for a split second.  It just feel like it’s the right thing to do.  I do wear sandles to give some protection to my feet.  But other than that, completely naked.” – Cloudy, https://www.truenudists.com/forum/viewthread.php?id=79505&page=1

“I also usually get naked when I come home after work.  It is no different than ‘changing into something more comfortable’; 'something more comfortable' meaning getting naked and staying naked until the next morning (or until I have to go out again).” – Sjoerd, https://www.truenudists.com/forum/viewthread.php?id=20558&page=2

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