Sunday, May 27, 2018

QUOTES 5/27/2018

“The freedom to practice naturism in general, and freehiking in particular, isn't free.  It requires sacrifice.  Perhaps the sacrifice to leave the blinds closed and live in the dark at home.  Or, the sacrifice and cost to travel some distance to a nude location.  Or, the sacrifice of personal comfort to share naturism with others, or to be the first to take off clothing, or to remain clothed when others are reluctant.  Or, the potential loose of freedom from being seen freehiking.  Some exceptional people sacrifice jobs and even relationships with others for the freedom to just to be nude as God intended.  But, without the sacrifice of those from the past, we would all be forced to live dressed in Victorian prudishness.  So how can we thank those who pioneered today's more relaxed dress code, and those from the past who sacrificed so much for naked freedom?  Sacrifice - share naturism now.” – Kenfreehiker

“Clacton-on -Sea WNBR 2016” (Video) -

“Being without clothes hurts no one.  Being allowed to enjoy life on my own terms does not seem to be too much to ask at this point. . . What I ask is simple and human and natural: to commune with nature naturally.  Whether fishing or hiking or gardening.” - Peter O., Maryland,

“Many people initially think, 'But why would I want to go without clothing?' or 'What is to be gained by setting aside all the clothes protecting me from embarrassment and scrutiny?'.  Well after trying it for so many years I can say it feels wonderful and the people you meet generally recognize the true humanity in you and in various social situations when nude.  It is not about being embarrassed, shy, outgoing, or even perverted for that matter, it is about BEING human and expressing care, concern and enjoyment for life with every person around you!” - Den,

“One hot summers day I had to spend an hour . . . tending to the plants . . . it was hot and humid.  I stripped . . . [and] soon realized that bare skin was comfortable whilst the bits covered by pants were hot and sweaty, no brainer really the pants ended up flying out the door.  Skin regulates itself when its bare.” – Ric,;topicseen

“I’ve been a nudist for a decade and I’ve never been healthier in my life.” – Naked Thought for Today,

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