Thursday, May 10, 2018

QUOTES 5/10/2018

“We don’t need clothing to be happy. . . If we say clothes make us happy, we’re just sad people. . . We just need to love our bodies and that will make us happy.” -

Angela Nude Gardening Day” (Video) -

“A fantastic experience is to stroll nude in a forest carrying and wearing absolutely nothing. . . Just a walk devoid of wearing anything.  It's amazing to feel what it was like for our ancient ancestors before someone decided clothing was necessary at all times even though you were designed by millions of years of evolution to be just fine without them.  I choose a location that is not heavily populated but it doesn't have to be totally isolated.  If I meet someone I smile and treat them exactly as I would clothed and most people will treat you the same way, smile, say hi and move on.  A few people (usually older people) will frown giving a look of distain but this is rare. . . You must try it at least once.  I try and choose places not so rugged that I can even go barefoot.  It is quite exhilarating and gives you a wonderful feeling of what a life before the crazy need for clothing was like.” – Mr. Texas,

“What if, instead of mass calamity, the world became subject to random, mass, acts of nakedness more often?  Imagine the headlines: ‘Twenty-five naked in college incident.’  Or ‘Lone naked man convinces 12 to strip off at restaurant.’  ‘Disgruntled worker walks off job naked.’ . . Can we admit that today's society seems to glorify (or at least publicize) violence a lot more than it does the human body? . . . we wish we saw more bare butts than gun butts on the screen.” -

“When someone asks me about being a nudist I tell them that is easiest way to relax and to get to know people for their true selves.  All the smokes and mirrors that we use in general society tend to come down.  As a nudist I have learned to be myself and have been amazed by how many new friends I have acquired.  You tend to find true friends who get to know and accept the real you.” – Lifeshooter,

“Walking barefoot can also be the beginning of a nudist experience.  Indeed, walking barefoot opens the discovery of nudity. . . To drop the shirt in the first place to let the sun and the wind caress your torso and your back.  Then give up the pants to let your whole body breathe.  The reunion with its primitive sensations is often disturbing.  In fact, society imposes the standards of clothing and footwear.  By abandoning them, we let our primitive feelings return to the surface.” -

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