Saturday, May 5, 2018

Naked Gardening Quotes - 4

Today is World Naked Gardening Day.  What will you do to celebrated?

“Families who practice naturism, at least in their homes and gardens, are much less likely to fight and argue."

“Gardening naked is a multi-sensory experience. When the wind blows, you’ll feel it against every angle and curve of your body.” – Krystal Trammell,

“Naked gardening is quite comfortable, assuming good weather, like raking leaves . . . I’ve done it all.  But you don’t cut blackberries when you’re buck naked.” – Mark Storey,

[I’ve] “. . . done a lot of gardening where I find stretching into beds or up into bushes when pruning etc. so much easier without the restriction of clothes. . .” – Ric,;topicseen

“I love nude gardening and lucky enough to own a farm so lots of space to plant fruit and vegetables.” – Ausfarmlad,

“I've been gardening naked for 40 years now. . . To top off a day of nude gardening, my wife and I enjoy a hot/cold outside shower and then just dry off in the sun.  Difficult to imagine how it could get much better!” – F. F.

“I have a lot of nude gardening experience because I live in a small apartment and have only two window plants that I water once a week in the nude.” – George

“But gardening is special - coaxing life from the fertile soil, hearkening the inveterate calling of man to be a part of the natural cycle.  What could be more primal than growing your own patch of zucchini naked?” – Eric O.

“Being outside in the sunshine is healthy for the body and emotions. When you garden naked, you get the benefits of vitamin D on every part of your skin, and you can even rid your farmer’s tan a little, too.” – Krystal Trammell,

“When I garden naked I'm totally naked.” – Ollygrumps,

“I am fortunate to live in the country where being nude is a bit easier than city dwellers have it.  My neighbors all have the ‘mind your own business’ mind set, and I have never had any complaints.  Not only am I nude in my house, I garden nude in full sight of the road going by, and work nude in my shop.  Friends, family and neighbors rather much expect me to be nude when they stop to visit.” – Ric Carter,

“The gardening-naked connection is pretty natural . . . There's not much body acceptance around, so the idea is to get people to try it.  Maybe they will realize that the human body is OK, and also beautify the earth a little bit.” – Mark Storey,

“There is nothing shameful or offensive about people enjoying their own home and garden naked.  It is healthy, relaxing and we are not harming anyone.” – Juliette Gill,

“Spring is a perfect time to work in your garden, but seeing as the weather looks especially beautiful this weekend, why not take the opportunity to garden in the buff?” – Jamie Hale,

“World Naked Gardening Day is an opportunity to pull weeds, plant flowers, and harvest vegetables while getting some sun where it usually doesn’t shine.  While you might get a little dirty, the intention is good, clean, fun in the sun, and a move towards becoming more comfortable in our skin with ‘non-sexual nudity.’” – Randall Bonner,

“Once we discard the trappings of clothing, we see that people are just plain folks . . . We need to focus on things we have in common that bring folks together and gardening naked is one.  Count me in.” - President Barack Obama,

“We're all about horses in the Bluegrass State . . . and gardening naked makes me feel like a stud.” - Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell,

“Second only to swimming, gardening is at the top of the list of family-friendly activities people are most ready to consider doing nude.  Moreover, our culture needs to move toward a healthy sense of both body acceptance and our relation to the natural environment.  Gardening naked is not only a simple joy, it reminds us--even if only for those few sunkissed minutes--that we can be honest with who we are as humans and as part of this planet." – Ross Logan,

“Ever wash the car, or do your gardening naked?  Well, then you know how pleasant being outside of clothes can make those chores.” - Tom Pine,

“Gardening [naked] is a natural antidepressant. Microbes in healthy garden soil contain B12 which is key for mental health, and new studies show that getting dirty outside helps life your mood.  Plus, you get to commune with nature in a way that just doesn’t happen when you’re fully dressed.” – Krystal Trammell,

“I love to garden in the nude and I'm fortunate that the house I live in is quite secluded (it was one of the main reasons why I chose it).” - Chrissie Russell,

“I’ve come to see that the original plan of lifestyle implemented by our Creator in the garden of eden, is the very best for our health.  Simply stated; Naturist gardening and eating what grows without any modification.” – Rueben T,

“Gardening has a timeless quality, and anyone can do it: young and old, singles or groups, the fit and infirm, urban and rural.  An elderly lady in a Manhattan apartment can plant new annuals in her window box . . . Families can rake leaves in their backyard.  Freehikers can pull invasive weeds along their favorite stretch of trail.  More daring groups can make rapid clothes-free sorties into public parks to do community-friendly stealth cleanups.” – Mark Storey,

“Families could do a little naked leaf raking in their backyard — mom, dad and Dick and Jane just doing a little yard maintenance in the buff . . .” - Sanne Specht,

“I do garden in the nude, and I enjoy it.” - Pat Brown,

“It's hot work, once you have to start weeding and pruning . . . You get sticky and dirty, and it's way easier to clean up your birthday suit than other clothing. . . It's also a perfect way to get all-over sun, . . It's more productive than lying in a lawn chair, reading.  And it's fun to be nude.  You're one with nature.  It feels more freeing than wearing clammy clothes.” – Tom Mulhall,

“Nude gardening is even good for your health . . . Getting sunshine at least 20 minutes a day, over at least 75 percent of your body, can help prevent vitamin D deficiency, which can, in turn, help prevent depression.” – AANR,

“It probably started when I was doing my garden the first time. I’d be out there, and it would be scorching hot, so I would take off all of my clothes and garden.  And then I would jump in the pool and swim and I always get in the pool naked, because why would you want to put on a bathing suit? . . . in my own home, in my garden, [nudity] is OK.” - Alicia Silverstone,,,20411948,00.html

“World Naked Gardening Day is, in every sense of the word, a grassroots phenomenon.” - Mark Storey,

“Whether you’re alone or with friends, gardening naked is a great way to promote body acceptance and ‘rewild’ ourselves as natural beings.” – Krystal Trammell,

“Anyone can garden, as just about anyone has access to potted plants indoors, back yards needing weeding, nudist club grounds calling for maintenance, secluded mountain trails requiring overhaul, or public parks meriting a stealthy naked clean-up.  People can work by themselves, in pairs, or in groups; and they can do so in locations perfectly matching their comfort level for nudity.  What is important is that those taking part tell someone about the fun they’ve had.” – Mark Storey,

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