Tuesday, November 26, 2019

“Mostly, I don’t cover up if I come across people when hiking.  I don't want them thinking I’m doing something wrong because I’m nude.” – Kensunwalker


Describe a time when you met and talked with a textile person when freehiking.


  1. I found that if I had clothes with me, I would panic and cover up so I started leaving anything I could cover up with behind. Doing so was an amazing experience for me. It put the "free" in free-hiking. I ceased feeling like I was sneaking about and was free to experience the beauty of nature. Rather than making me nervous, ditching the option to cover up provided me with an air of acceptance and confidence.There have only been two times when I have encountered textiles on trails where nudity is unexpected. The first time was a couple that caught me totally off-guard right as we were all going around a blind corner. By the time they saw me we were 5 ft away from one another. They just commented on the weather and wished me a good day as we passed each other. That exchange, as brief as it was, made me realize that I had much less to worry about than I thought. The second time was when I encountered a woman walking her dog. On that occasion, I noticed her before she noticed me because her dog had walked out ahead of her. There was some dense foliage between us which was preventing her from seeing me. I called out, "Hello!" She returned the greeting in a friendly voice. "Well you've caught me hiking without any clothes" I said. The trail was extremely narrow and I did not want to startle her or make her feel threatened in any way when she came around the trees and bushes.
    "Oh, Okay." She replied as she rounded the corner. "You're only the second person I've seen out here doing... without... well... like this I mean." She was stumbling over her words at first but I don't blame her. "He called himself a nature... oh a nature-something. I can't remember."
    "A naturist?" I offered.
    "Yes! That was it!" she exclaimed.
    "I consider myself one as well" I replied.
    "I love it. I wish I could hike out here like that but I'm just too scared."
    By this time I was petting her dog, who seemed to be a friendly naturist as well.
    I didn't feel like it was the appropriate time for a sales pitch so I just said, "I was afraid too but I'm glad I decided to give it a try. It's been really healthy for me."
    We wished each other a good day and parted ways.

    1. Loved your stories about nude encounters. We've had several and you're right. No one cares.

    2. We often group-hike without taking cover-ups along. You're welcome to join us. Where are you located?

  2. Oh, and she actually apologized to me for interrupting my solitude.
