Sunday, November 24, 2019

QUOTES 11/24/2019

“As I grew older . . . I grew more confident every year, more sure of myself, more in love with a body that I could not automatically change, nor that was I particularly desperate to.  I emerged from my teenage years with a better understanding of myself as well as my body, thanks to body-positive activists as well as the heightened visibility of diverse body types through social media.  I started letting go, having fun, and embracing my body publicly.  But while it gave me level of confidence that I had not previously known, it still didn’t shield me from the harmful observations that bodies like mine inspire. . . With our nude photoshoot, my friends and I pushed back on these stereotypes. . . It was such a freeing experience.  Posing nude among other women of various sizes enabled us to experience a privilege that is not commonly known to black women: the ability to appreciate our bodies without feeling politicized, censored, or fetishized.” - Kuba Shand-Baptiste.

“Bill Schroer takes the ALS Challenge” (Video) -

“Sleeping in the nude is better for your physical and mental health and emotional well-being than sleeping clothed.” – David Koss,

“Why can’t we all just take off our clothes, and let others take off their clothes, and reap the benefits? . . . in a perfect world, it could all be as simple as just taking our clothes off.  But we don’t live in that world.  At least not yet.” – Claire Fallon,

“Smith's Nude-ercise class is said to be similar to normal circuits classes, but a bit more playful in the way that it wasn't all hardcore exercise and involved games and was about working comfortably.  Some participants say that the benefit of exercising naked is that it can help people become less body conscious. . . Nude-ercise classes will soon take place in London and across the south east.” – Christie Abagon,

“. . .  [Selfies] record her life unclothed. . . taking these nude images . . . is a mixture of curiosity and deliberate study.  We discover more about who we are through examination of the images we see of ourselves through the eyes of others. . . These naked images of ourselves are proofs that we aren’t locked in the prisons of personae that we live in the outer world.  As time goes by, we record the changes and use them to reassure ourselves that we are on the right path to self-awareness, self-discovery. . . This is real, this is deep, and it is a rich source of nourishment for the naked soul.” – Naturist Lens,

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