Monday, November 25, 2019

QUOTES 12/25/2019

“If you think about it, being nude is perfectly natural.  It should be normal.  The weird thing is clothes.  Why the hell do we have to wear bits of material all the time?  What are we hiding?  Are we that freaked out by what other people's downstairs operations look like? . . . Most people have genitals.  I do, I see mine most mornings in the shower.  Most of us have partners whose bits we see regularly too.  So, who is offended . . .?  No one sane.” - Matt Heath,

“Performance | “Objectified: Black Couch” Video -

“. . . when you're naked around a bunch of other naked people, you really realize it's true: sexiness is about embracing what makes you different, with pride. . . Once I was naked all the time, I started feeling sexier and prettier, almost immediately. . . I was comfortable with my body, because I'd been looking at it all day.  Without clothes on, it's like I began to see my body for what it was: a beautiful, functioning mechanism that allowed me to swim, pump blood to my heart, eat delicious fruit, and flirt with good-looking people.  There was no reason to get down on it for anything, certainly not when it was serving me so well and fabulously.” – Rachel Krantz,

“Some call it hump day – we say dump day, dump your clothes and wear nothing but a smile, that’s clothes free life.” -

“. . . in naturist environments I could finally release my sucked in stomach and save twenty minutes of painful self-judgement each morning trying to choose which outfit shows the most airbrushed version of myself.  This is why society needs nudity.” - Melissa,

“Why not do it naked?” – Ron Krugjahann,

“The beauty of having clothing optional beaches … is that, if it is long enough naturists can be at one end and textiles the other, with the naked and the clothed possibly mingling in the middle.” – Reg Barlow, (Tom Pine’s) The Naked Truth Naturists Newdsletter, Vol 17, #6, June 2016

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