Saturday, November 30, 2019

QUOTES 11/30/2019

“I think it’s our responsibility as naturists to show people what respect really is about.  What living in harmony really means and how nice it is to live in an environment where everyone is treated the same. . . Communication is the key to make this a success and make the world a bit more positive day by day.” -

“Cycling naked for climate change” (Video) -

“I have just never understood what the problem is with being naked.  Are there people who have never seen a naked guy in their life.  Wait till they have to go to the hospital and most everyone on the floor comes and takes a look.  What will their reaction be then?” – Dodgeboy,

“Even the most comfortable clothes are not as comfortable as nudity.” -

“. . . in the right circumstances, nudity has been a weapon, an act of conscious defiance, a statement of the individual’s right to exist for his or her own amusement, without being clamped into movements, uniforms or the chains of social inhibition.  Nakedness rocks.” - The Independent 24 April 2010,

“For me, every day is Naked Reading Day.” -

“Being born again believers in God, we still felt that nudism was a right, good, and healthy lifestyle.  After more online study we were convinced that true nudism was not about sex and we scheduled a visit to Pine Tree Resort, in Crownsville, MD. . . We undressed and toured the grounds.  People were swimming, playing tennis, grilling and just relaxing as at any resort in a park-like setting.  There was an indoor and an outdoor pool, a hot tub, a hiking trail, snack bar, gift shop, etc.  It was our first time swimming nude, and we have never worn a swimsuit since that day. . . The most difficult part of that first day nude was having to get dressed for the trip back home.” - Captain & Candy, Virginia,

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