Wednesday, November 27, 2019

QUOTES 11/27/2019

“Naturists should have the opportunity to take part in activities that those who wear clothes take part in daily . . . Personal trainer and naturist Helen Smith, has launched the first nude exercise classes in Britain.  She leads an hour-long . . . workout class for 10 people per session, which includes activities such as star jumps, sit-ups, push-ups and partner work.” - Amy Southall,

“Hawaii Whalewatching nude surfing beach party” (Video) -

“Clothing is just a mask . . . What makes wilderness natural is the fact that you are immersed in the natural world.  Once you put clothing on in a deep woods spot, you aren’t part of the wilderness anymore; you are in direct touch with civilization.  You are wearing a mask that protects you not just physically, but also mentally from the wilderness.  Hence, through your actions you have broken the idea of wilderness and cannot experience it directly.” – Shane, From Tom Pine’s Special Report, file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/The%20Naked%20Truth%20Naturists_vol_16_Special%20Report_no_03.pdf

“What's the link between religion and being against nudism?  You are born naked aren't you?  Adam and Eve where naked? . . . It seems to me the problem is more the more prudish American society.” – Sjoerd,

“Yeah, it's one of the dangers of being so comfortable naked, that you forget you are naked.  Oops.” -

“I've been out every day working on a construction project, nude.  It got windy and cold - uncomfortable.  I voluntarily put on some clothing.  We were working with some pressure treated wood and splintery material, and old termite eaten logs.  I put on some clothing during that.  I did the rebar, and steel lathe with only gloves and various shoes.  So, I guess there can be a reasonable place for clothing – sometimes - I'm still considering the plastic roof cement, roofing paper, and the ferro-cement aspects and what to wear or not.  I'll probably nail down the roof naked, although the new neighbor's construction project is probably in view in the distance.  The sun feels great, the tan's loving it, cleanup and laundry has been easy.” – Jbeegoode,;topicseen

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