Friday, February 8, 2019

QUOTES 2/8/2019

“The only case anyone can make against social nudity is that it is offensive.  While this may be the case for some people, and honestly I cannot imagine how something so common to us all can be, it is irrelevant when it comes to what is legal. . . the First Amendment guarantees Americans freedom of expression.  No matter how offended I am (and often am) by people driving around with giant Confederate flags on the back of their trucks, I know that it is their right to do so, and that it would be unethical of me to criminalize their expression, however racist and hurtful it may be.  I can legally burn a Bible, a Koran, even an American flag.  I can hold a sign at a gay man’s funeral that reads, ‘God Hates Fags’; I can tattoo myself with a swastika and wear a T-shirt with Hitler’s face on it; and I can put a bumper sticker on my car comparing the president to a terrorist.  And yet, the one thing I am never free to express is that of my humanity, my belief that the body is an inherent good and innocent thing, and that the only real shame is to hide it, or to fear that some neighbor might peer over a fence and be offended by it.  I have only to take one step beyond my front door, and should I feel the sun on my surgical scar, I become a criminal.  For the remainder of my life, I am barred from schools and playgrounds and anywhere children gather.  In essence, I am treated worse than a Nazi, because a penis is a greater offence than a swastika.” – Nick Alimonos,

“J’ai testé pour vous le camping naturiste de la Sablière” (Video) -

“We were driving from the Central Coast to LdS to spend a few days.  When we left the Central Coast, I was naked and she had on a shirt.  I'd stop for gas and slip on shorts.  We drove through a drive thru for dinner and drove down that long road from the freeway to the long entrance road.  When we got to the gate it was about 9:45 pm.  A man was at the guard shack, checked us in and let us in the gate.  It was a great, long naked drive and it made it even better driving to the resort and through the resort to our hotel room and then unloading our things and being able to remain naked almost the entire time” – AndyDi,

“The Proud Nudists of Today will go down as the Pioneers of Nudism Tomorrow.  Witnessing in public, that Nudity is perfectly natural and wholesome is how we will begin to change how society views us.  Do not be afraid to live your life naturally as you were created!  Be Proud You're A Nudist!” – Creative,

“. . . a plant-based diet is fun, healthy, Eco-friendly and supportive of naturist/clothes free living.” –

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