Thursday, February 21, 2019

QUOTES 2/21/2019

“Be an ambassador of nudity and naturism by being consistent in action and words.  As in all social aspects of life, we should be courteous, kind, and respectful, just as they should be to us.  Too many people mistake the meaning of ‘being courteous to others’ as meaning that we should be clothed.  That is not always the case.  It is left to us to decide when it is or isn’t.  The key is consistency in manners and attitude.  We wouldn’t feel awkward meeting someone at a clothed event so why should we when everyone is nude?  The only difference is our perception of the situation.  What do other people see in us?  Is it consistent?  When we are consistent in who we are (i.e. ‘not being weird’) it puts others at ease despite what we might or might not be wearing at the time.  We are telling them there is nothing to be alarmed over.  This is normal.  It’s made easier by talking about nudity beforehand.  Letting others know not only helps bring nudism to light, but also removes the sense that something about it is wrong.  This might seem small and insignificant, but it builds on itself.  It shows that we are no different than before.  Nudity is an aspect of our life like a religion or practice and should be respected and accepted.  Be an ambassador of nudity.” - Made in the Nude,

“Naked Dance Barons Court” Video -

“I have been met while nude by Florida Marine Patrol, the US Coast Guard, Everglades National Park rangers, and a State Park ranger.  None of them told me to get or stay dressed.” – Camping Bare,

“Anyone can be a naturist.  Background, age, shape, race, creed and color are irrelevant and it attracts people from all walks of life.  At naturist places you will see babes in arms, children and teenagers right up to the elderly.  There are thousands of naturist families – some into many generations - who find that they get on better with each other as they can all enjoy something together and children brought up in naturism say how they grew up without the usual hang-ups about their bodies.” - Edward,

“Some people believe that their bodies are not especially attractive and fear that others will judge them negatively for having the wrong size or shape.  One visit to nudist club usually will put this fear to rest.  Few people have perfect bodies and a key part of nudist culture is body image acceptance, people accepting themselves and others regardless of size, weight or body type.  Sure some may make private judgments about the appearance of others but is it considered a gross violation of nudist etiquette to be open about it.  Those contemplating a first time social nudist experience should feel confident that the majority of nudists are accepting and non-judgmental when it comes to physical appearance.” – Larry Darter,

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