Sunday, February 3, 2019

QUOTES 2/3/2019

“. . . we, as Christian Nudists, are confused.  We act as Adam and Eve did when they sinned, by covering our beliefs, or ‘hiding behind fig leaves and bushes,’ when we are around our clothed Christian brothers and sisters.  Yet, when we are at nudist resorts, though we are admitted nudists, we hide our Christian connections as if it is politically incorrect to bring up our Christian beliefs and connections while [there.]  So again, like Adam and Eve, we hide behind fig leaves and bushes when it comes to our Christian beliefs. . . If we continue to hide behind fig leaves and bushes about our naturism or our Christianity, then we are going always to live in fear. . . Often we say ‘we are Christians first’ to make sure we don't accidentally put naturism before God, but that is another way we lie to ourselves.  We are nudists because we are in Christ. . . It's time we toss our fig leaves and get out from behind our bushes and openly heed God's call when He cries out ‘Where are you?” - Boyd Allen, V 17, #12,

“Nude Summer of Love Parade San Francisco 2016” (Video) -

“Adam was naked at the beginning and he was not ashamed of it.  This is why your clothing must be taken off, since it is the convincing proof of this sentence which lowers mankind to need clothing.” – Theodore of Mopsuestia (400 AD), A Brief History of Nakedness, 2013, p. 76

“I had never sailed before.  I had never been out of the country by myself before.  I also had never attended a nude event before.  That all changed over the course of ten days that I sailed to the French Islands of the Caribbean with Bare Necessities Cruises, and I had the time of my life.” – Samantha Marie,

[Until] “. . . the 1970’s, naked boys and men swimming were a common sight in the YMCAs and even the public schools.  AND we still did not have mass hysteria in the streets.  The YMCA REQUIRED naked swimming!  How did we get so off track?  How did we get to where we are today?” -

“It’s a way of life.  People in the naturist community accept and respect each other for who they are.  It strips away all social barriers and allows people to be much more open.” – Marie Breton,

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