Wednesday, February 6, 2019

QUOTES 2/6/2019

“Why would anyone wear clothing to swim?  If you don't wear clothing in the bath or shower, why put on clothes to jump in the ocean or a lake or pool?  It won't make you any warmer.  It won't protect you from getting wet.  And when you get out of the water in a wet and soggy swimsuit, it still doesn't make you warm - it rather makes you cold!  Naturism and water just go together hand in glove.” – Kenfreehiker

“Just don’t be ashamed of your body.  You were made in God’s image and it’s ok to be nude or practice naturism in designated areas.  Always respect others and if they are offended by your nudity and it’s not a designated area for nudism/naturism, then cover up.” – Liza,

“None of us has a perfect body but going naked is less about your body and more about your mind.  It’s how you feel when you’re naked . . . It can be relaxing, invigorating, warm, cold, stressful, happy, freeing, scary, wonderful.  Increasingly, I believe it’s confidence building too.” -

“Naturists and nudists know only too well the fear that holds one a prisoner to clothing.  We each take a long journey of self-discovery in search of ‘self’ . . . It is only after conquering the initial fear of self-exposure that we begin a different journey that leads us to accept the truths of the body, our individual body.  We then take that truth and take another risk, that of presenting our authentic self to others.  We risk others seeing our naked body, others who risk us seeing them as well   It is a difficult individual journey that rewards the individual with a sense of relief that comes with letting go of fear.” -

“. . . some religions use nudity to get closer to God.  An incident from the legendary history of one of the world’s oldest religions – Jainism . . . One day, the Emperor Bharat, son of the founder of the religion, after taking his bath, began to observe his body in a mirror, and in doing so gained enlightenment.” – Philip Carr-Goom,

“Gymnophobia is not the fear of the gym.  It is the fear, scorn, derision, mockery of the naked body.  It is the belief that a person who violates textilist norms deserves to be punished, deserves to be hurt, deserves to be exploited or abused, verbally or physically.” -

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