Saturday, March 31, 2018

QUOTES 3/31/2018

“. . . there's one place that the sun will never set on naked Germany – its public baths.  Unlike its Japanese equivalent, where each gender has its own section, a German bathhouse is a completely mixed-gender clothing-free environment.  This may be challenging the first time you try it; but like nearly all public nudity it seems perfectly natural within 10 minutes.” -

Nude hike 2” (Video) -

“There were three young women at the next table and one, in particular, seemed to have an issue with me feeding Evie.  She told me we were putting her off her food and that it was disgusting to feed a baby in a restaurant.  She kept mouthing off in front of her friends and when my partner asked what her problem was, she said she didn't want to see my breasts when she was eating her dinner.  I felt like I hadn't done anything wrong, in fact I had specifically selected a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant so that I could be discreet.  It's not a display, it's not exhibitionism - it's just me trying to feed my daughter quietly.” – Liz Skelcher,

“We all have our secrets.  Something that is personal and only we know.  Nudism and naturism shouldn’t be one of those secrets.  Real Nudists have no secret, real nudists swap nude times [with] each other. . . If we can’t share our nudity with our friends or know they wouldn’t understand, are they the type of friends we want to have? . . . In general, friends and family shouldn’t keep secrets from each other.  Especially when the secret is something as big and life defining at nudism or naturism.” -

“Nothing felt more liberating than standing under the Matterhorn absolutely naked.  My favorite part of getting my ass into nature is feeling the brisk air without the confinement of clothing.” -

“Being nude full time is an efficient way to live.  You never have to worry about changing clothes because you’re never dressed!  Sleep, shower, eat, exercise, work, shop, go to the movies—all naked.  What could be easier?” -

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