Sunday, March 25, 2018

QUOTES 3/25/2018

“Recent research has shown a strong connection between the wearing of bras and benign fibrocystic lumps, cysts and pain.  90% of women with fibrocystic changes find improvement when they stop wearing their brassieres. . . No side effects, costs nothing, and is something that women can try for themselves by making a personal and ALL-NATURAL clothing choice.” – Mavis Davis,

“War of the Buttons funny scene” (Video) -

“I did a magazine article that talked about why people were sick is due to the lifestyle.  They live in their plastic house, with their plastic stuff, they put on their plastic clothes . . . get into their plastic cars to fight other humans for hour on the rat maze road breathing in the pollution into a city where they get into plastic elevator to take them up into the sky in a plastic building to get into their plastic cubicle to work on their plastic computer to eat their plastic type fast food and on and on!  This is traditional American Life . . . the SAD world. . . Naked Mindfulness of feeling skin selves is a huge step in right direction to reclaiming our place on Earth!” – Casrose,

“As a rule, if I call a serviceman over (plumber, electrician, etc.) I tell the person making the appointment on the other end, that I am a Nudist and to please let the person coming over know what to expect. . . It is only common courtesy.  I have never, so far, had any problem.  I greet everyone who visits me from the mailman to the plumber as I was created ... and so far, all have been perfectly okay with it.” – Creative,

“Exhibitionism has two primary definitions.  The first is simply behavior intended to attract attention to oneself.  The second describes a psychiatric disorder or mental condition characterized by a compulsion to display one’s genitals in public, often deriving sexual pleasure specifically from shocking people who were not expecting to see said genitals.” -

“. . . when you’re doing something as ridiculous as skiing naked in the dead of winter, you’re pretty prepared for ridiculous things to happen.” - Nick Waggoner,

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