Saturday, March 10, 2018

QUOTES 3/10/2018

“We visited out first nudist beach together, and we found out it's the highest level of freedom.  Nudists are very friendly and easygoing people, they don't care if they are slim enough or too fat for other people.  They just enjoy being naked, and they love the skin they are in.  There is nothing better than doing common things, and to be naked at the same time.  I could be naked all the time.  A lot of people find nudism as something weird, but being naked is the most natural thing, and only people create something unacceptable from nudism. . . We want to share our naked lifestyle with other people of all ages and promote nudism as a natural and confident way of living.” - Filip and Linda,

“London naked bike run” (Video) -

“I freehiked a wash just east of El Paso, Texas (March 12, 2011).  It starts very soon after leaving the highway, so you only have to drive a short distance on the dirt road.  This large wash slices its way southwest through flat desert lands, between the hills.  Over the years it has cut to the bedrock so you are about ten feet below the desert floor and can freehike without being seen.  Dirt roads occasionally cross the wash and allow easy access to beautiful desert vistas.  I walked the wash naked until I met a dirt road several miles into the desert, then returned.” – Kenfreehiker

“Iran has jailed 12 fashion bloggers and online networking models for up to six years for spreading a ‘Western-style culture of nudity’ intended to degenerate Muslims. . . The 'Islamic Republic of Iran' chooses what ladies ought to wear . . . Iranian law requires that all ladies cover their hair in public. . . This past June, a senior Iranian cleric from Isfahan, Iran, said ‘immorality’ among youthful Iranian women, coming from dressing ‘despicably,’ is bringing about climate change and creating the rivers and dams in Iran to run dry.” -

“For some reason the textile world gets this impression that it’s all sexual, and that it’s basically a strip joint.  We have built a world that convinces people that sex is about what we see and what we look like.  Sex is in the mind and relationship.  We’ve created an entire generation of people who don’t understand sexuality.” Stephane Deschenes,

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