Wednesday, March 28, 2018

QUOTES 3/28/2018

“I have been working nude at home as a telecommuter since mid-2001.  What a pleasure.  My stress level has reduced, and my job satisfaction and overall happy disposition as an employee (to say nothing of my productivity!) have increased tremendously since being able to work from home, nude about 90% of the year . . . I can hardly remember a conference call or other interaction with my co-workers over the past six years that hasn't been done nude . . . I would never again take a job in an office or anywhere else where I would be required to be dressed all day. . . Working nude from home the past six years has only reinforced our desire to live out the rest of our lives as full-time nudists.” – NoCollarWorker

“Man works naked outside with no shame, NON sexual or erotic” (Video) -

“Where I was living in the bush in Botswana Africa, for a year we had to be on guard for predators (lions /leopards).  I don’t know why being naked made a difference—covered or uncovered I was still not at the top of the food chain!  But for some reason naked made it so much more ‘Raw’—it was liberating!” - Penny Light,

“. . . if you are still pondering about becoming a Naturist, remember you are one already; it’s just that you are currently a Naturist with clothes on, so take the next step and remove that top layer whenever it’s warm enough and appropriate to do so!  Then when you are ready to bare all and share the experience with like-minded people, do so with pride.  Enjoy the confidence it gives you and become one of the crowd that cares more about the proverbial book inside, than the cover!” - Roni Fine,

“It must be strangely empowering knowing that you have stood in front of strangers naked.” – McOrva,

“We tend to be more comfortable in our skin and happier without being swathed in layers of cumbersome clothing.  Naturism is a great social leveller too.  Naturists tend to be more open and communicative.  There’s less of a facade because the trappings of contemporary society, the obsession with brands, labels and accessories is swept away.  Life becomes more about your essential being and how you interact with people.” – Emma James,

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