Friday, August 2, 2019

QUOTES 7/24/2019

“We were born to be walkers.  Other forms of life creep, crawl, hop, leap, bound, gallop, swim or fly - but humans walk - and many of us find it to be a great delight.  A regular schedule of walking boosts mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. It can lower high blood pressure, keep arteries healthy, relieve tension and anxiety and calm a troubled mind.  Walking is the exercise that needs no gym.  It is the prescription without medicine, a tranquilizer without a pill, weight control without a diet, therapy without a psychoanalyst, and a vacation that doesn't cost a penny.  If we were born to be walkers, we were also born naked so we were born to be naturist walkers.” - adapted from a piece by Dr. Dale E. Turner

“Skagen Vinterbaderfestival 2014” Video -

“We believe in sharing our naturist photos with anyone, including family.  We think that the more people are exposed to photos of nudists in normal situations, the less shocked they are.  To coin a phrase from I believe Mae West, 'People who are easily shocked should be shocked more often'.  We recently put a bunch of photos on a digital photo frame and interspersed 1 nudist photo for every 4-5 clothed photos.  It's photos of family, friends and events so everyone that comes over checks it out and no one has been bothered by the nudist photos, including our grandkids. . . I think that it helps others understand that nudists are just normal people who do things everyone else does, just without clothes.” - Guy

“‘Why go naked?’  It is about feeling relaxed, comfortable and free.  Imagine walking on a glorious sunny day . . . walking without the encumbrance of clothes enhances the experience many times over.  ‘Why be a naturist, why go naked?’ is really the wrong question.  The real question is, ‘Why not?’ What really stops you?” – The Thoughtful Naturist

“I've freehiked through snow drifts.  One warmer year I freehiked 18 times in January.  A friend and I freehiked along the shore of Utah's Great Salt Lake one nice winter day.  Sometimes you just need to get out in nature, even in the winter.  As long as the sun is out, a nude body aclimitizes nicely.” – Kenfreehiker

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