Tuesday, August 6, 2019

QUOTES 8/6/2019

“My wife has convinced me many, many years ago that nudists are ‘born.’  She says that those that have a ‘need’ to be naked are born with a special gene.  She likes being naked, she's been a willing participant but she says that her ‘liking’ being naked is nothing compared to my desire and need to be naked.  I don't think any differently about others who state, later in life, that they are ‘now’ nudists.  That they've found this lifestyle and enjoy being nude when possible but wonder if circumstances were different or they were given an ultimatum ... they would let it go.  I don't think I could or can.” – FireProf

“Clog dance body-painting by Amit Bar” (Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NbaxQfsG48

“I love to skinny dip and was lucky enough to grow up in a household where my Mother loathed doing laundry.  She especially hated to wash clothes that had Kansas river mud deeply ground into the fabric.  But my Mom had the answer - skinny dipping.  We went camping every weekend, almost always to the same location on Fall River in Butler County, Kansas, so we grew to know the other campers that frequented the area.  One summer early in my life, my wonderful mother went around to each of the campsites and lamented her dislike for washing river mud from our clothes and swimsuits.  She found several of the other mothers were like-minded on the chore, so she suggested we make the camp area ‘clothing optional’ for all children under the age of 10 or so.  Surprise, surprise, thereafter my brother, sister and I were naked from Friday night arrival until Sunday afternoon's departure.  I honestly do not remember anyone complaining about us; even new campers seemed to just go with the flow.  Life was good.  I skinny dipped with the local children up until about the age of 12. . . Thank God for my mother . . . I have never, since that day, gone more than a few days without removing my stress by letting my skin come out to breathe. . . By the way, Mom still hates to do laundry.” - Randy, GA

“In short, the most interesting thing about nudism seems to be not that it exists, but that so little has been done to learn what it has to teach.” – Lawrence Casler, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1428066877208043&set=gm.1798212357122744&type=3&theater

“I’ve hated clothes since my teenage years and that’s a while back (40 years!).  I regularly go walking in our lovely countryside shoes only (and sometimes barefoot too!), and am nude at home - can't see any logic in wearing clothes indoors.” – Naturistmike

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