Sunday, August 18, 2019

QUOTES 8/18/2019

“One of the places we like to stop at on our way from Arizona to Idaho is Spencer Hot Springs.  The area is large enough to park RVs.  There are three hot springs to enjoy and you can hike naked to the old mine or on the hills.  Most of the time when we are there we meet up with some nudist friends and enjoy the company.” – Lex,

“Pure Nude Yoga - African Goddess Video -

“. . . what . . . is a ‘regular Naturist’? . . . Initially I thought being a Naturist meant you preferred not to wear clothes, but I’ve since discovered it isn’t that simple.  Some will only strip off in certain situations and are uncomfortable in others.  I’d thought being a Naturist at ease with one’s own nudity would include being at ease with other people’s nudity too, but it seems this isn’t always the case, and this surprises me.” – Roni Fine,

“March 15, 2010 Mike (USH) visited me at Olive Dell Ranch from Utah.  He’s come for visits several times before, and I always enjoy his company.  We all walked down to the restaurant for breakfast after he arrived, and we were back talking on our deck when Vicki came up the hill with a new visitor to the resort.  I asked if he wanted a tour of Dellymaze Park.  We talked for a few minutes and he explained he’d decided to visit Olive Dell after reading about it on Kenfreehiker’s blog.  I told him he’d found me.” – Kenfreehiker

“The naturist is someone who strips, first of all, from the inside.  The big difference is in what you do not see.  This is the distinguishing factor: it strips away . . . the prejudices and false moralism that are so common in traditional social structures. . . The limit is not perceptible to the eyes; it is in the character of people, and in their conception of respect for being for being - and not because society is imposing on it. . . vision turned to the natural beauty of a human body . . . The act of taking off clothes, for the naturist, is the last step of a process that began long before . . . that changed the way it viewed the world.   Before his clothes he already stripped himself of the false modesty, the taboos of the visual sex, the misrepresented concepts about the body . . .  the shame of his own body, for he sees beauty . . . as an example of the Creator's love for his creation. . . To the naturist, to take or not the clothes is but a mere detail.  The real battle he has already won within himself.  Nudity is a mere outward expression of this act of courage toward oneself.  Naturism . . . is a philosophy of life . . . The naturist, for the society that still needs rules to exercise respect, is this pioneer for a future generation of healthier citizens, in a world where mutual respect is directly linked to the values that people develop, not to the artificial limits imposed from the outside in.” – Lucas Hope,

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