Wednesday, August 21, 2019

QUOTES 8/21/2019

“South of London, near brands hatch, exists a hotel open throughout the year, the Silverleigh, entirely dedicated to nudists - heated pool, massages, private garden, spa, Jacuzzi, rooms, cared, all served by a nudist staff.  For more information, follow this link: -

“Nudist Golf | Buying Naked” (Video) –

“A naked body allows you to live certain emotions that you cannot experience when you are dressed. . . When you allow your naked body to dance and fly and push against … and when you give your body a voice, when you hear your flesh resonating on the floor and in relation to other bodies just as naked – that is something reviving and liberating.” – Doris Uhlich,

“Before trying naturism I hated every single thing about my body . . . If you'd asked me a couple of years ago if I would ever consider taking my clothes of in public I would have laughed in your face.  But it does so much for your body confidence.  After you go to events you feel so good about yourself: I'm becoming more and more accepting of my body.  And I think it's made me far more confident in general: if I can take my clothes off in front of complete strangers, I can do pretty much anything.  By seeing how many different bodies there are out there you realize how ridiculous it is to compare yourself to other people - we are all so different.  Why would you compare yourself to someone else when you are so unique?” - Martha,

“What’s the big deal with donning a swimsuit?  Is this really necessary?” -

“Do you ever walk around the house bare footed.  Are you comfortable doing so?  Do you stop to think if you are barefooted or not when you go from your bedroom to the kitchen?  What about if there are other people in the house?  However, do you remember to put shoes on before you go out of the house to the street?  Many nudists feel as comfortable at home nude as most folks feel barefooted, hence The Naturist Society used the phrase ‘Bare Foot All Over’.” – Ron NITOC,

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