Thursday, August 29, 2019

QUOTES 1/6/2022

“I have been caught [freehiking] a couple of times.  My friend and I went to a local forest area for a morning walk one day.  The area is adjacent to my farm, so we started naked from my place without carrying any clothes or towels.  The area is quite remote, and we were not expecting any person.  We walked for a few hours and rested.  As we moved again and crossed a footpath, we saw two men coming from the opposite side.  Before we could understand the two men looked at us and waved at us to stop.  They came towards us and asked us if we were the locals.  Those guys were from a news channel filming some documentary in the area.  They and their team were waiting for some supplies. . . We chatted for a few minutes and then parted our way.” – Dforsgren,

“Charla con Sthef sobre La Perla Expuesta” Video -

“So, why clothes free now?  Well, over the past couple of years, I have grown to love my body and the skin I’m in.  I love my curves, love handles, and stretch marks, along with every other imperfection.  My flaws show where I’ve been and how far I have come.  When I practice yoga in clothes, I feel like I am not aware of my body or my position and posture.  Wearing clothes 24/7 is draining and makes me feel depressed.  Yes, clothes make me feel depressed because I am a very open person, and clothes make me feel like I’m hiding a part of me, the most beautiful part of me; my body. . . I’m healthy, happy and grateful for all of my experiences and how they have made me who I am.” – Moniqua,

“I believe that naturism upholds and imbues respect for both masculine and feminine, at a deeper and more energetic, sacred, spiritual level . . . In a naturist environment, women aren't being told what to wear, can't be called ‘sluts’ based on state of dress, can celebrate their entire bodies with no shame, no fear.” -

“Nudity is beautiful to me in all forms.  With clothes and accessories, you can make all kinds of impressions.  But in the nude, you can only show yourself.  The beauty of nudity has little to do with looks, but much more with confidence, trust and comfort.” -

“People involved in social nudity want to share the pleasure of being naked, because an individual’s happiness is enhanced when others are also enjoying life.  Happiness is contagious.” -

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