Tuesday, August 13, 2019

QUOTES 8/13/2019

“. . . why do the gawkers [those at nude beaches] bother . . . so much? . . . isn’t it possible that some, if not all, of those gawkers may become naturists some day?  Indeed, maybe that’s really why the gawkers are there.  Maybe they are just trying to summon up enough courage to bare it all in public.  Because, after all, if they only wanted to see naked bodies, they could go online and see myriad beauties.” - https://jillianpage.com/2016/07/21/nudismnaturism-battle-on-the-beaches/

“World Naked Bike Ride London Trafalgar Square June 8, 2019” Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-JmNTzxqdY

“Most people who are unfamiliar with naturism are shocked to learn that it can be a family-friendly pursuit.  However, it’s important to understand that nudism is not sexual.  Being a nudist does not mean participating in orgies or sexual activities.” – Jordan Blum, http://youngnaturistsamerica.com/nudists-and-the-nudist-lifestyle-defined-by-yna/

“Another favorite argument for wearing bras seems to be the notion that it prevents sagging.  Well, girls, surprise, surprise . . . you sag because of the proportion of fat and tissue in your breasts, and no bra changes that.  Going bra-free can actually cause breasts to sag less . . .” – Mavis Davis, http://socalnaturist.org/articles/bras_healthy.html

“I’d have to guess that all of my neighbors have seen me skyclad in my yard or in my home in Canada.  It was something that took a few years of easing myself into the open areas of the yard regardless of the season.  The reaction of my neighbors has been significantly non-reactive. . . Here in Mexico, my landlady who lives in the front of the house has frequently seen me skyclad while I write, relax, sunbathe, or am otherwise occupied in the yard.  Of course the windows are never shuttered making it easy to see inside the suite where I am almost always nude. . . In none of my nude adventures outside of the safe areas of home and holiday home, have I been confronted about my proclivities though many know that I am a naturist.  No one comments or asks.  In all situations it is simply one person engaging with another person assuming the best of each other.  It works. . . So, how did it happen that I have been gently accepted in my community, and tolerated for my nudity in my home and garden areas?  I would think it has to do with having my community know who I am. . . I am certain that by not rushing out and confronting them with the reality of just how different I was, allowed time and experience to build enough respect between the community and I. . . refrain from overt challenges to the broader community.  In allows my receptive neighbors time and opportunity to serve as a buffer between myself and potential antagonists within the community. . . slow and steady will always win the day.” - http://rglongpre.ca/naturistlens/2016/01/25/slowly-gaining-acceptance-as-a-naturist-in-the-community/

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