Friday, August 23, 2019

QUOTES 8/22/2019

“When it’s cold, people put on warmer (and more) clothing, to protect themselves against the chilly weather.  So when it is hot outside, wouldn’t it make sense to get rid of your clothing altogether since you don’t need to protect yourself from the cold?  Think about it, sometimes it’s even too hot to wear clothing, you start sweating instantly when you leave your air conditioned home . . . it would make perfect sense to let those, who want to go clothes free, be naked when it’s really hot outside.” -

“Natmag 40 Paroles de naturistes par Naturisme TV au domaine de Riva Bella” Video -

“Everyone has a way of dealing with the world around them. . . a female police officer saw a male out for a run.  ‘After seeing nude buttocks illuminated by a streetlight, she and another officer contacted the jogger, who was wearing nothing but black Sketcher sneakers,’ the police added. . . ‘When questioned, he stated 'he was trying to build up his immune system to fight the cold weather'. . . ‘Officers immediately checked with nearby police departments to determine if any related sightings or issues had been reported and none had,’ a police spokesman told me.  ‘So he was not arrested or charged, as there were no victims and there was no other reason to legally detain him.’” – Chris Matyszczyk,

“The Southern California Naturist Association (SCNA) is one non-landed club that started hosting women’s events in addition to all their mixed-gender affairs.  Attendance is smaller than their main events, but some female members have reportedly been attending and enjoying these get-togethers. . . a women’s group and events don’t have to be complicated.  It can start small with casual gatherings, and it can even start online.” – Felicity Jones,

“I seldom meet anyone who grew up like I did, as a childhood nudist.” - atsonste,

“When our older son turned sixteen, my husband took him to a nudist resort for a long weekend.  They had a great ‘father and son’ time kayaking, swimming, and hiking together.  I was a bit skeptical and nervous, wondering how our son would react to that type of atmosphere.  Well, when they came home, my son was so excited that he couldn’t wait to go back.” – Ann Marie Whicker,

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