Tuesday, August 20, 2019

QUOTES 8/20/2019

“We’re all unique, and there’s no better way to showcase that individuality than by heading out for Naked Hiking Day this year.  After all, at one point in time, we had nothing but ivy leaves to cover us up, and we certainly didn’t have clothes weighing us down in the hot summer sun.  You’ll be able to enjoy the feeling of the sunlight and cool breeze on your bare skin - and to finally relish your freedom outdoors - as you experience this once-in-a-lifetime event.” - Bertie, https://effortlessoutdoors.com/naked-hiking/

“BODY PAINTING BALLET” (Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50CRlkTw9Co

“If you are an artist, why get clothed, your body is art.” - https://nuetheureux.wordpress.com/2015/03/27/101-things-you-can-do-naked/

“The French like taking off their clothes.  According to the French Naturism Federation (FFN) two million people regularly strip off in the country’s naturist holiday centers and beaches.  Another two million German, Dutch, British and Belgians come here each year to do the same making France one of the most popular nudist destinations in the world. . . We have members, but also visitors, from all over the world, and from some surprising countries such as Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, north and south America.  They’re not ex-pats but people visiting Paris from time to time.  It shows us that naturism goes beyond borders, political or religious.  It’s obvious, to us, that naturism has universal appeal.” – Alison Hird, http://en.rfi.fr/france/20161103-naturism-comes-out-closet-france

“'Nudity is not a big deal, and being naked at home isn't going to make your child not understand boundaries or any of that.” – Alice Johnston, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3825074/When-stop-letting-child-NAKED-Mother-sparks-fierce-debate-taking-Reddit-advice.html

“A funny thing happened when I was naked in front of so many people: I got better at asserting my right not be harassed. . . for the most part, my fellow nudists were extremely respectful of my space, and it seemed like there were almost more boundaries than there would be otherwise, perhaps out of respect for the fact that you're in a more ‘vulnerable’ position. . . But when . . . eyes lingered to long, I found it was much easier for me to assert my space, saying ‘OK, I don't want to talk anymore.  Bye.’  Once, I even said, ‘I don't want you looking at me like that.’  I've never been so direct. . . As women, we're raised to believe that we'll be more ‘vulnerable’ if we're naked, or even dress provocatively.  I found it was quite the opposite; in an atmosphere that emphasizes bodily autonomy, safety, and respect, being naked can only empower women further.” – Rachael Krantz, https://www.bustle.com/articles/161285-i-was-naked-in-front-of-strangers-for-4-days-heres-what-happened

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