Friday, August 16, 2019

QUOTES 8/16/2019

“I posted a photo to my own social media of me naked on top of a mountain and people loved it.  No one thought it was weird, it was well received and encouraged.  My friends and I then started to get some cool group shots, including one with the harbor bridge and Opera House in the background, and I thought it would be cool to start a page for all our photos.” - Brendan Jones,

“YAKEL TRIBE DANCE - Remote South Pacific Tribe” (Video) -

“What nude means to me - It means I can be free, it means I don’t have to wear clothes.  It means I can enjoy the feeling of the wind or the rain or the water as it meets my skin.  Being nude is pleasurable, An enjoyable experience.  It takes away my stress and relaxes me.  It makes me feel good.  Being nude allows me to appreciate and come to terms with my body, appreciating what God has so kindly gifted me.  Seeing and being around others nude is encouraging, motivating and affirming.  It allows me to appreciate their uniqueness and humanity and so to them mine.  It allows me to appreciate how amazing our bodies are and how diverse unique each one is, cleverly designed and tailored.  Being nude gives me confidence and helps me embrace who and what I am.” – Kazpernzi,

Nudism is NOT sexual, suggestive or a meat market type of atmosphere.  On the contrary, nudist resorts and parks have very strict rules about behavior and very clear guidelines about what is expected from nudists in terms of etiquette.  Whereas on a public beach or public swimming pool, boys and men often leer openly at girls and women and even harass them, making unwanted sexually suggestive remarks and sometimes even sexual advances – and nobody can do anything meaningful about it or stop it – if that behavior ever happened at a nudist resort, it would be immediately and appropriately handled. . . It is a strongly protective community.  People don’t stare at nudists resorts.  People don’t make inappropriate comments or laugh at other people.  A nudist resort is a safe haven in an often over-sexualized, over-moralized, body-image crushing world.  It is a place where you can just be yourself.  Nudist resorts are places where bodies aren’t sexualized and commodified to sell things, unlike in the rest of the world – where female bodies are sexualized at alarmingly young ages and used to sell just about anything you can think of.  Nudism is the antidote to that sort of thinking . . . When you’re used to seeing naked bodies everywhere, it is ineffective to try to titillate you into buying something by the suggestion of nudity and/or sex.” - Kathy Barron,

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