Sunday, December 30, 2018

QUOTES 12/30/2018

“One thing I can say is as a naked driver I never go more than 5 miles over the speed limit, come to complete stops at stop signs, never run a yellow/red light and am always courteous. . . when you are naked you never want to attract attention.  Think how much safer our roads would be if more people drove naked.” -

“NAO ARETUSA EDICION QuickTime H 264 Video -

“Suntanning nude has one major benefit: no weird or awkward tan lines! You’ll enjoy an even tan from head to toe. Nude tanning has also shown increased testosterone levels in men, boosted levels of happiness, and higher levels of vitamin D.” -

“Explore family nudity without feeling it's abnormal.  Young children have not yet acquired a sophisticated understanding of modesty, and really don't care who sees them naked.  This is the time when the parent can teach children not to be self-conscious of their bodies or of their nakedness.  This, in turn, will help children associate nakedness to routine activity instead of exclusively sexual activity.  As a result, the more prurient forms of nakedness lose their ‘forbidden fruit’ appeal.” -

“Take the first step and begin by spending an hour a day naked - It’s time to bite the bullet and try nudity, because if you don’t, you’ll never know what it’s like.  Perhaps it’s not your thing to wander about the house nude all day long…if this sounds like you, I recommend beginning by just reading a book nude for 20 minutes, or cooking dinner.  You may feel uncomfortable at first (or you may love it!), either way step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself to bare your body to the world.” – Juliet,

“Nakedness is from God.  Clothes are from men.  So why be turned off by nudity?” – Rupa,

“Friday. July 1, 2016, Amy and I spent the morning enjoying our land.  She sunbathed in the garden area, while I raked the path, planted a trail sign, and replaced several boards on a fence (all nude of course).  Then we freehiked to the bottom of the hill where we meditated on a large rock, took in the wonderful scenery, and I enjoyed watching a Pompilid wasp catch a spider, and a fuzzy white Mutillid wasp.  The breeze felt so nice on our bare skin!  It was wonderfully refreshing morning.  A few more months and the house will be built so we can enjoy this wonderful spot every day.” – Ken Sunwalker,;topicseen

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