Wednesday, December 19, 2018

QUOTES 12/19/2018

“It’s ironic how many who have chosen the nudist lifestyle are ones who were picked on as kids growing up; they were nerds who were never excepted into the cool crowd or they were individuals who were made fun of for being imperfect while facing lack of conformity issues.  Yet they come right out and expose themselves while the others who made fun of them are now far too ashamed /afraid to be socially nude.” -

“Naked Zoo Run 2016” Video -

“Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often.” - May West

“Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you were the first other female nudist I saw here.  And because of you, I decided to go fully nude.” – hontouniheart,

“My daughter told me that it was obvious to her that I was 'on a mission to preach naturism’ . . . I'll continue doing what I believe to be correct and if there are still those who are offended, well, I wasn't born to please everybody.” – TL Lim,

(January 12, 2010) Several naturist friends visited Dellymaze Park today, including our friend Andrew who stopped by saying he couldn’t not visit on such a nice day.  I showed him the new attractions in the Park, and took him up the nature trail; then he continued on freehiking.  Later in the afternoon we soaked together along several couples in the spa, and enjoyed a naked meal in the restaurant.” - Kenfreehiker

“If we are ashamed and embarrassed of our bodies, we are ashamed and embarrassed of ourselves.” -

“Spending time in a naturist environment you will come home with a different view of yourself and your body.  You will be more in tune with the world in which you live.  Naturism is a great jumping off point for respect and love of the whole world and the community in which we live.” – Vicki Pinkerton,

“DO tell the important, close, people in your life about what you love naturism.  If you're in a serious relationship, have very good friends who know you and your family, or know others who you believe can ‘handle it’ don't miss the chance to share an important aspect of your life that could even open up the enjoyment of nudism for them.” -

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