Saturday, June 9, 2018

QUOTES 6/9/2018

“There’s something therapeutic about nudity.  Give away the Gucci’s or Levi’s and we’re all the same.” – Naked Thought for Today,

Please sign the Petition” (Video) -

“. . . while nudity is not a ‘foreign environment’, very early in life we are conditioned to ‘fear’ it, be cautious of it and to not take risks with it!  Why?  Can nudity kill you? . . . Nudity is fun!  Nudity feels amazing! . . . It may even be that some of the feelings and ideas driving certain humans to seek out nudity inappropriately are because of the fact they DO NOT get to practice being nude in social situations and have feelings caused by nudity they do not know how to handle.  They have not mastered the excitement felt in nude situations in exactly the same way someone feels panic if they are dumped into water without knowledge of swimming! . . . The best way for humans to understand nudity in a social situation is to practice it.” – DennisC_VA,

“Many years ago when I was 21, my boyfriend suggested we go to a nude beach.  I was always up to trying something new, but I was totally unprepared for the awe I felt taking my clothes off for the first time and feeling the sun, the ocean breeze, and especially the water openly against my body, and – most important - without anyone caring.  In later years, when I met other first-time women, I found most were also very curious and up to trying something new.  They wanted to feel the sun and the water, free of the constraints of the conservative life they that lived for so long.  After experiencing the freedom of nudity, I saw many of them find a renewed sense of self-worth.  People that you will meet, for the most part, are the most genuine you will ever know because, as the cliché goes, there's little to hide, physically or emotionally.  Nudists are lawyers, teachers, secretaries, students, grandmothers, policemen and many other professions.  If you choose to take the 'plunge' and find out if nudity is right for you, nobody will ever be able to talk you out of it!  And you will be gaining new friends that will last forever! – Sarah,

“I started the naked in the woods thing nearly 40 years ago as play in the woods and creek out of sight of the house on our land.  It grew to what it is now, intentional naked hikes on occasion and working naked whenever possible instead of incidental stuff. . . I look forward to plenty of naked work time as spring comes on since I'll be working the land more intensively soon.” – ReubenT,;topicseen#msg9809

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