Wednesday, June 6, 2018

QUOTES 6/6/2018

I remember reading about young folks in the Peace Corps in the 1960s running into cultural differences and taboos regarding nudity when they were assigned to Pacific islands in Micronesia.  The [Peace Corps] girls were wearing their ordinary clothes - skirt above the knee and blouse.  The visible knees scandalized the local people.  As soon as they could, the locals hid the girls' clothes, leaving them no choice but to wear the native garb - a hip to mid-calf lava-lava with no top.  It was a bit of a shock, but the gals got used to it.” – Roger Ritter,

“NORTH EAST SKINNY DIP 2017!” (Video) -

“Your Body is your Biography . . . The elder woman’s figure is rife with beautiful ‘flaws’; every scar has a story, every wrinkle a testament to a life lived.  The body’s landscape tells stories of children born and nourished, of sun-soaked days and heavy loads carried.  This epic story of vulnerability and strength can be both elegant and intensely beautiful.  Sagging breasts, with their pendulous beauty, the rugged complexity of crinkles and folds — these glorious characteristics remind us what it means to be human — to struggle, give life, grow, change, survive and overcome.  My body is changing.  I used to be a child.  Now I’m a mature woman.  One day if I’m lucky I’ll grow old. . . can you see my body as my biography?” – Devi,

“At a festival recently, some friends decided to encourage a whole tent of people to take their clothes off on the Saturday night and then prowl around the site like wild animals, surprising unsuspecting revellers and, in one case, finding the ‘most serious person in the festival’ and gently inviting him to join them in their nudity.  Which, encouraged by this beautiful band of nighttime nudists, he eventually did . . . the festival they were at –Into the Wild near Lewes – was a conscious festival – in other words, completely drug and alcohol free, and so none of those encouraged to shed their layers and unleash their wild natural bodies did so needing Dutch Courage or chemicals.” – Anna Levy,

“We should promote nudism.  It can help with solving many of society's problems. . . At the very least we should be allowed to be as bare as we dare. . . I don't mind having me, my family and neighbors naked together.  I would change the narrow mindedness of people who are anti-nudity and get rid of the anti-public nudity laws in the world if I could. . . To cover up in shame is just silly.  The world can be better with nudism . . . I say that someday the world will have all its people as nudist again.  I wish we could all be naked all the time.  Making life more clothing optional sounds good.  Let's still promote nudism.” – Jose Gabriel Arellano,

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