Thursday, June 28, 2018

QUOTES 6/28/2018

“No clothes, the air all around you, the weather is a tactile presence as you rise and fall with the hills and valleys.  Your awareness of nature, our environment, our little piece of space, is so heightened by hiking naked through mountains and forests and experiencing the wind and sun all over, as the day waxes and wanes all around us.  Textiles have no idea what they're missing.” – Richinud,

“Skipping Class to go Skinny Dipping Trailer” (Video) -

“I started enjoying nudism by sleeping in the nude.  Later I began to do my work around the house nude.  My wife was surprised when I came downstairs nude one day and I could tell her reluctance.  One late summer day after working on the boat I was really warm so I drove over to the lake.  Since it was mid-evening there were very few people at the beech so it was able to find a secluded area.  I walked into the lake and when chest deep took off my swimsuit.  It felt amazing.  Before I walked out of the water, so as to not offend anyone, I put the suit back on.  I will never forget the feeling of the first time nude in Lake Michigan.” – JLR, Michigan.

“Words cannot communicate anywhere near as effectively as images can.  You can talk all day to a boy about how penises or to a girl about how breasts come in all sizes and shapes, but it won't remove the fear that their penis or breasts are abnormal.  But if they have opportunities to see penises and breasts in all their amazing variety, the point is driven home that their body is just as normal and acceptable as anyone else's.” – Creative,

“There is NO freedom without body freedom.  Nothing is more basic to freedom than ownership and control of our own bodies.” – Bob Knows,;topicseen

“In order to raise confident, well-adjusted children who have a healthy view of their bodies and their selves (we say, Body Positive), we do not hide our naked bodies from them . . . Children learn by observing. . . [seeing parents] ashamed, running away, covering up, they will internalize that behavior as ‘normal,’ and they will learn to also feel shame in their nakedness, rather than self-worth.  And there is nothing healthy about that. . . honest dialogue takes care of children’s questions and explains their parent’s motives for family nudity.” – Ed, March Issue of “Bare Facts” from “Lake Edun Foundation” email.

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