Wednesday, April 4, 2018

QUOTES 4/4/2018

“Declaring Hamilton [Canada] a clothing optional city will give us nudists a place to live our lives openly, not in the closet . . . and will put Hamilton on the front lines of civil society's struggle to advance the cause of inclusiveness for minority groups." – Donald Vermithrax,

“Naked Yoga School” (Video) -

“After my husband passed on and after I retired from teaching, I just started gradually drifting back to my old lifestyle of the naked ‘hippie’ chick. . . I do most of my gardening and lawn-mowing au-natural except for a bandanna to keep the sweat out of my eyes and the bugs out of my hair and an old pair of running shoes to protect my feet.  I'm not a person who frets about getting all dirty or sweaty either. Working in my garden (naked) does this.” – Linda

“[Stephen] Gough maintains that being nude in public allows him a sense of personal freedom.  The British legal system maintains that Gough's nudity is not for mass consumption.  But why, in 2014, is so much money being spent on keeping his body out of sight?  His court records state there is nothing disorderly about his behavior – it's just about, as his lawyer pointed out in the autumn, people’s reaction to that behavior. . . During the day, before the watershed, we see hundreds of advertisements for gorgeous, semi-nude women moaning in ecstasy because they are enjoying their yoghurt or shampoo.  Go and stand in any gym, cafe or shop with a TV on, and count the seconds until you see cleavage.  For more than 40 years, the Sun newspaper has been publishing pictures of nipples that readers can gaze at over breakfast.  Why is it OK to hint at highly sexualized nudity all day long and then persecute a normal man for getting naked as he goes about his business?” - Daisy Buchanan,

“It’s far past the time people learned that nudity isn’t an invitation, or occasion, for sexual activity.” - Tom Pine,

“We are a small company, with warehouse and offices, and there is always someone undressed here or there in the warehouse; especially in the summer.  I have worked in the office on my own time in the nude, and many times in the warehouse.  Being a small company, we have little traffic and our warehouse is not open to the public.  There have been many times in the summer that we have been building or stocking the shelving and wearing nothing other than our shoes to protect our feet. . . I have the best job!” – Bunsuner

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