Saturday, April 21, 2018

QUOTES 4/21/2018

“When naturists/nudists tell society we are egalitarian and espouse the value benefit of naturism to help in ‘being true to yourself’ but then dismiss another’s perspective as invalid we all seem disingenuous.  When naturists/nudists tell the rest of society to be open-minded to our way of life but can’t have disagreement with another naturist without blocking out their opinion we all appear hypocritical.  When naturists/nudists challenge the broader society to not force us to live by their traditions but respect ours but cloister exclusively behind our own (possibly outdated ones) we all look duplicitous.  Embracing diversity is more than saying come be like me more than tolerating someone of a different skin color or social class it’s also embracing diverse thoughts.  If we can’t be in the same space and have differing opinions or hold space for people who are different and have different views, how does the practice or philosophy survive in a world of increasingly divergent thoughts, views and perspectives.” -

“FKK im Stadtpark: Die „Nackerten" sterben aus” (Video) -

“Study naked.  Parents want you to study and keep your grades up.  If they open the door and find you in your birthday suit, but doing your homework, how much can they really complain?” -

“There's a fairly common meme around the internet that reads ‘I bet being a nudist takes all the fun out of Halloween,’ but that isn't true. . . Here are a few ways we've seen of dressing up without wearing anything. . . Cupid: All you need are some fake wings, a bit of satin sash . . . and a bow and arrow . . . Adam or Eve:  Get an apple.  Get a rubber snake.  If there's no bite in the apple you haven't messed up yet and don't need a fig leaf;  Lady Godiva: Get one of those polo pony hobby horse head on a stick toys . . . May need blonde wig also; Baby New Year: A sash with 2014 on it and a top hat will make you one character that's ahead of its time; Huck Finn: Straw hat, Corn cob pipe, Cane pole if you like - He skinny-dipped quite a bit after all; Nudist on Strike: Wear clothes (yech) and carry a sign.” – Bare Platypus,

“Finally one day I looked in the mirror and saw myself as myself: a woman . . . To my surprise, the body I hated met the idealized standards of Western feminine beauty. . . [I] love my body; it's my temple.  It's amazing the positive impact that going through life as your authentic self can have - not only on yourself, but on others around you.” – Biko Beauttah,

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