Saturday, April 28, 2018

QUOTES 4/28/2018

“The sky was beautiful when I freehiked the dirt roads around a small hill east of El Paso, Texas (March 12, 2011).  I visited several rocky camping spots at the base of the hill, and climbed to the top.  The views of the desert below and the clouds above were fantastic.  There are times when the beauty that surrounds a nude soul goes unnoticed.  Freehiking - being one with nature – is wonderful and amazing.  How can freehiking be resisted?” – Kenfreehiker

“Hike Naked Day” (Video) -

“Modern cosmetic pharmacology focuses so heavily on eliminating depression that it entirely misses one essential point: depressed people are suffering from a lack of fun.  Nobody ever describes depression as a ‘Fun Deficiency Syndrome’, but lack of fun is clearly the root cause of all depression.  It is impossible to be depressed when you are having fun, yet modern therapies for depression seek only to minimize depressive symptoms while doing nothing to maximize the daily intake of fun. . . Everyone likes to have fun - no, we love to have fun.  When we are having fun we forget ourselves and become one with our actions in a moment of pure playful enjoyment.  Having fun goes beyond being happy.  Happiness implies a baseline level of contentment and good feelings but it does not include the amusement, exhilaration, laughter and joy associated with fun.  If depression is the illness of our age, fun is the cure. . . Fun is always more fun when it is shared with other people.  This is why partying is an essential human behavior for regulating feelings of self-esteem and social worth.  Having fun with other humans in a social setting stimulates serotonin and oxcytocin, two neurochemicals essential to feelings of security and being loved.  So if you’re feeling depressed and nothing seems to be working, the only solution is to call some friends and go out and have some fun.  It is clinically proven to make you feel better.” - h+ magazine

“While it is faintly surreal to see a dozen naked people hanging out – quite literally – in a hotel lobby, the sense of surprise really doesn't last long. . . By the time we left, going naked in a hotel seemed like the most natural thing in the world.” -

“Perhaps getting naked in the middle of the woods or on top of a mountain is not for everyone, but I have started to do it more often recently.  I feel happy and I feel love when I do – not only love for being free, but also for my body that, as a river, does not wish to be skinnier or taller, but certainly longs to be accepted and taken care of.” – Karin,

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