Thursday, April 12, 2018

QUOTES 4/12/2018

“I enjoyed driving nude for many miles during the May (2010) visits to family.  I drove nude most of the way through California, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Utah.  I’ve decided that to be true to myself as a naturist I am essentially required to drive nude when the opportunity arises.” – Kenfreehiker

“Nude Live: Sydney Dance Company & Art Gallery” (Video) -

“The sun has gotten a really bad reputation lately.  Everyone seems to be telling us and our families that ‘the sun is so bad for you.’  Well, there is some truth in it, but you have to know the full story.  Any extreme is bad for us.  Our bodies were not meant to take extreme amounts of anything for long periods of time.  Too much sun is no worse than too much heat, too much cold, or even too much water!  As it has always been, it is the extremes that are bad for us.  Our bodies actually need the sun.  Our bodies make Vitamin D from being in the Sun. . . Our bodies use the Vitamin D, in the presence of the Sun's Rays, to absorb calcium we need for bones and other bodily needs.  So, instead of running away from the Sun, and all that naked fun, use some precautions, a modest amount of sunscreen, a modest amount of sun, a modest amount of fluids, etc.” -

“Our kids are used to seeing Mum and Dad get dressed or climbing in or out of the shower, so nudity is nothing new to them.  The kids aren't bothered by the naked behavior on the beach, certainly not scared. . . However, for kids that have over-protective parents who are self-conscious, hide their bodies and make nudity a shameful thing, then I suppose a naked body on the beach could scare a child.” – Bridgette,

“The only place I know of to escape body shaming is a nude beach, resort or campground. . . The only place to escape the unrealistic and material ideas of the perfect body is a place where your total body is on display.” -

“Skinny-dipping normally requires a quiet and secluded spot.  The center of Munich is neither.  In the summer, thousands of workers head to the park (inside the oval bridleway), lose their suits, and hang out naked.” - Tomas Dano,

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