Monday, October 28, 2019

QUOTES 10/22/2019

“Facebook’s policy, among others, perpetuates the notion that the human body is a thing to be lusted after, an object to stimulate desire, a product to be bought and sold on porn sites; in effect, the nudity taboo dehumanizes us.  I have long maintained that to undo this harm, people like yourself must find the courage to say, ‘I am not ashamed—because there is nothing to be ashamed of, my body represents my humanity and that is all,’ and there is no better way to show than by showing this.” – Nick Alimonos,

“Nude Muse News World Naked Bike Ride 2015” (Video) -

“Nude is not rude unless you are a prude!  A naked body is a display of God's miraculous creation.” -

“I’ve been naked outdoors in snow, I admit.  Our old house had a hot tub in the back yard . . . We had heavy snow one year over the Christmas period and knew our elderly neighbors had gone to spend the holidays with their son so we made the best of it, hot-tubbing naked in the snow for three nights in a row.” -

“Sexuality is in the mind.  People are aroused at seeing nudity because their minds have been trained that way. . . Naturists dispense with the artificiality of a sexuality based on hidden body parts.  Instead they can focus on a complex and intimate sexuality.  Furthermore, naturists are comfortable with nudity so they don't experience any self-consciousness about their body.” -

“The two words that sum up naturist holidays are ‘freedom’ and ‘relaxation’.  Freedom from clothes and being able to fully relax in an environment where no one is making judgements about your body or your clothing.” -

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