Saturday, October 26, 2019

QUOTES 10/16/2019

“Like most parents, my aim is to bring up children who have healthy and positive attitudes to their bodies.  I believe that by showing them I'm comfortable with my body I can role model the attitude I'd like them to emulate.” – Cat Rodie,

“The Natural Route” (Video) -

“What better place to shed one's clothes than in the hot dry heat of the California desert. . . The 48-year-old actor [Josh Brolin] was seen wearing nothing besides his birthday suit, reclining in a chair with his feet up on the glass tabletop and sipping from a red mug.” – Jennifer Pearson,

“Many people don't think of it but like your feet needing to breathe, so does the rest of the skin on your body.  Exposing yourself to the open air . . . is always a good idea.  Allow your body to breathe and cool itself in the open air in your home.  This will work wonders for your skin staying healthy.” - Jessica,

“I have a reasonably private backyard so I just walk out naked and do whatever I have to such as mowing, gardening, hanging out washing . . . Perhaps a neighbor may be able to see me but no one has said anything . . . I usually have a pair of shorts in case somebody just walks in unexpectedly.” – Nudewalker,

“. . . if you spend 15 minutes in the nude every day your confidence is boosted 20% . . .” -

Skydiving . . . is probably one of the craziest, but incredibly liberating and freeing things to do naked.  The feeling of jumping thousands of feet from a plane naked is very thrilling, and it brings about a rush of adrenaline as the full effect of the wind hits you on every body part.” -

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