Wednesday, October 2, 2019

QUOTES 10/2/2019

“The human body is nothing to be ashamed of.  Why are we erroneously told to have to be ashamed of nudity? . . . The human body is beautiful, why hide it?” -


“Hey friends, today weather in Germany is fine.  It is hot.  The temperature in the cars is more than hot.  The right weather for driving nude.  I hate it, when I sweat in my clothes.  One has to adapt to the circumstances, whether it is allowed or not.  That is freedom.” – Purnatur

“Paris could set up a park for nudists as early as next summer . . . Paris lawmakers voted late on Monday to approve a proposal by ecologists to set up the zone, possibly in one of two major wooded areas on the edge of the city. . . French people practice naturism, which is already possible in several European cities including Barcelona, Berlin and Munich.  With more than 100 clothes-free beaches and numerous holiday camps, France is the world’s No 1 destination for naturists.” -

“I was naked for the better part of four days . . . I learned that nakedness makes me feel less competitive with other women. . . Nakedness . . .forges female friendship quickly. . . I saw women of all shapes, ages, and sizes. I saw an old woman with a sagging, pierced clit.  I saw a woman with so much cellulite that it seemed to form deep ridges on her thighs.  I saw women with big breasts, small breasts, fat tummies, and flat bellies.  Everyone, including me, was owning it.  Everyone was given the space to simply exist, naked, as they are.” -

“Shifting to the beach revealed a broad enthusiasm for the usual sorts of frolicking common to seashores, again, all nude of course, with mothers doting over their children and looking strained by their teenage daughters flirting with the, also of course, naked boys.”

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